A Java framework for experimenting with the evolutionary optimization of 2D simulated robotic agents.
Based mainly on JGEA and 2D-MR-Sim.
This software requires JDK 17 and maven: if you are using a Unix based system, you can install both easily using sdkman.
This software also depends on the following other dependencies (JGEA, 2D-MR-Sim, JNB, JSDynSys), that will be fetched automatically by maven.
In case you want to use this project inside your project, add this to your pom.xml
You can clone this project and build it with:
git clone https://github.com/ericmedvet/2d-robot-evolution.git
cd 2d-robot-evolution
mvn clean package
At this point, if everything worked smoothly, you should be able to run a first short evolutionary optimization (assume you are in the parent directory of the 2d-robot-evolution
one that has been created after the last clone; this is suggested for real runs, so that you don't pollute your git branch with outcome files):
java -jar 2d-robot-evolution/io.github.ericmedvet.robotevo2d.main/target/robotevo2d.main-1.5.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar -f 2d-robot-evolution/src/main/resources/exp-examples/locomotion-centralized-vsr.txt
For Windows, it might be possible that by using the command above from the standard terminal you see garbage text output.
It happens because Windows is not able to manage the extended charset needed to encode the colored textual UI.
You can use javaw
instead of java
for launching the Starter
class to circumvent the problem.
An experiment can be started by invoking:
java -jar 2d-robot-evolution/io.github.ericmedvet.robotevo2d.main/target/robotevo2d.main-1.5.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar --expFile <exp-file> --nOfThreads <nt>
where <exp-file>
is the path to a file with an experiment description and <nt>
is the number of threads to be used for running the experiment.
Once started, Starter
shows a text-based UI giving information about the overall progress of the experiment, the current run, logs, and resources usage.
may be stopped (before conclusion) with Ctrl + C.
For the number of threads <nt>
, it is suggested to use a number npop = 30
will do at most
You can have an overview on the other (few) parameters of Starter
java -jar 2d-robot-evolution/io.github.ericmedvet.robotevo2d.main/target/robotevo2d.main-1.5.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar --help
One parameter that may be handy is --checkExpFile
, or just -c
, that can be used to perform a syntactical check on the experiment description file, without actually doing the experiment.
An experiment consists of one or more runs.
Each run is an evolutionary optimization using a solver (an IterativeSolver
of JGEA) on a problem with a random generator.
The description of an experiment also includes information on if/how/where to store the info about ongoing runs: zero or more listeners can be specified to listen to the ongoing evolutionary runs and save salient information.
One reasonable choice is to use a ea.listener.bestCsv()
(see below) to save one line of a CSV file for each iteration of each run.
This way you can process the results of the experiment offline after it ended using, e.g., R or Python.
You can describe an experiment through an experiment file containing a textual description of the experiment.
The description must contain a named parameter map for an experiment, i.e., its content has to be something like ea.experiment(...)
(see the ea.experiment()
builder documentation and the examples given below).
A named parameter map is a map (or dictionary, in other terms) with a name. It can be described with a string adhering the following human- and machine-readable format described by the following grammar:
<npm> ::= <n>(<nps>)
<nps> ::= ∅ | <np> | <nps>;<np>
<np> ::= <n>=<npm> | <n>=<d> | <n>=<s> | <n>=<lnpm> | <n>=<ld> | <n>=<ls>
<lnmp> ::= (<np>)*<lnpm> | <i>*[<npms>] | +[<npms>]+[<npms>] | [<npms>]
<ld> ::= [<d>:<d>:<d>] | [<ds>]
<ls> ::= [<ss>]
<npms> ::= ∅ | <npm> | <npms>;<npm>
<ds> ::= ∅ | <d> | <ds>;<d>
<ss> ::= ∅ | <s> | <ss>;<s>
is a named parameter map;<n>
is a name, i.e., a string in the format[A-Za-z][.A-Za-z0-9_]*
is a string in the format([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]*)|("[^"]+")
is a number in the format-?[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?
is a number in the format[0-9]+
is the empty string.
The format is reasonably robust to spaces and line-breaks.
An example of a syntactically valid named parameter map is:
car(dealer = Ferrari; price = 45000)
where dealer
and price
are parameter names and Ferrari
and 45000
are parameter values.
is the name of the map.
Another, more complex example is:
head = person(name = "Mario Rossi"; age = 43);
staff = [
person(name = Alice; age = 33);
person(name = Bob; age = 25);
person(name = Charlie; age = 38)
roomNumbers = [1:2:10]
In this case, the head
parameter of office
is valued with another named parameter map: person(name = "Mario Rossi"; age = 43)
; staff
is valued with an array of named parameter maps.
Note the possible use of *
for specifying arrays of named parameter maps (broadly speaking, collections of them) in a more compact way.
For example, 2 * [dog(name = simba); dog(name = gass)]
corresponds to [dog(name = simba); dog(name = gass); dog(name = simba); dog(name = gass)]
A more complex case is the one of left-product that takes a parameter
(size = [m; s; xxs]) * [hoodie(color = red)]
corresponds to:
hoodie(color = red; size = m);
hoodie(color = red; size = s);
hoodie(color = red; size = xxs)
The +
operator simply concatenates arrays.
Note that the first array has to be prefixed with +
An example of combined use of *
and +
+ (size = [m; s; xxs]) * [hoodie(color = red)] + [hoodie(color = blue; size = m)]
that corresponds to:
hoodie(color = red; size = m);
hoodie(color = red; size = s);
hoodie(color = red; size = xxs);
hoodie(color = blue; size = m)
You describe an experiment and its components using a named parameter map in a text file: in practice, each map describes a builder of a component along with its parameters. The complete specification for available maps, parameters, and corresponding values for a valid description of an experiment is available here.
In the following sections, we describe the key elements.
For better organizing them, the builders are grouped in packages, whose names are something like sim.agent
, ea.solver
, and alike.
There are five available embodied agents (i.e., robots).
Their builders are grouped in the sim.agent
Here we describe the most significant ones.
corresponds to a Voxel-based Soft Robot (VSR) with a single closed-loop controller taking as input the sensor readings and giving as output the activation values, as described in [1].
The controller is a NumericalDynamicalSystem
, i.e., a multivariate time-variant dynamical system taking the current time body
parameter of sim.agent.centralizedNumGridVSR()
Available functions for the controller are grouped in the ds.num
package: the key ones are described below.
Here is how an agent built with sim.agent.centralizedNumGridVSR()
looks like with this description of a sim.agent.vsr.shape.biped()
Here is instead a sim.agent.centralizedNumGridVSR()
built with this description of a sim.agent.vsr.shape.free()
shape, where 1
and 0
denote, in the s
parameter, the presence or absence of a soft voxel in a 2D grid.
corresponds to a VSR with a distributed controller, i.e., with one NumericalDynamicalSystem
inside each one of the voxels.
Each NumericalDynamicalSystem
takes as input the local sensor readings and some (exactly signals
for each one of the 4 adjacent voxels) values coming from adjacent voxels and gives as output the local activation value and some values going to adjacent voxels, as described in [1].
Depending on the mapper (see below), the same dynamical system is used in each voxel (with evorobots.mapper.numericalParametrizedHeteroBrains()
) or different functions are used (with evorobots.mapper.numericalParametrizedHomoBrains()
That is, they for the former case, the dynamical systems share the parameters: in this case, each voxel in the body has to have the same number of sensors.
Here is how an agent built with sim.agent.distributedNumGridVSR()
looks like with this description of a sim.agent.vsr.shape.worm()
Finally, note that voxels can either be soft or rigid: hybrid, i.e., including both types of voxels, VSRs can be created with sim.agent.vsr.shape.free()
, using s
for soft and r
for rigid at each position.
Here is how an agent built with sim.agent.distributedNumGridVSR()
looks like with this description of a tripod-like shape including both rigid and soft voxels.
Numerical dynamical systems take the current time ds.num.function
Note that all the builders in this package actually return a builder of a NumericalDynamicalSystem
(or something that extends it), rather than a NumericalDynamicalSystem
: when using a builder as a controller of an agent, the builder is invoked with the appropriate values for
is a Multi-layer Perceptron consisting of nOfInnerLayers
inner layers in which each neuron has the same activationFunction
The size (number of neurons) inside each layer is computed based on the size of the first (input) and last (output) layers using the parameter innerLayerRatio
: in brief, the innerLayerRatio
times the size of the ds.num.mlp()
is a NumericalParametrized
dynamical system (actually a stateless dynamical system, that is, a function): its parameters are the weights of the MLP.
Usually, they are exactly what you want to optimize using an evolutionary algorithm.
is a simple function that determines the output in NumericalParametrized
but the actual number of parameters depends on a
, f
, p
, and b
parameters, that are ranges.
For each one, if the range boundaries do not coincide, the actual value of the corresponding sinusoidal parameter (i.e., sin()
a = s.range(min = 0.1; max = 0.3);
f = s.range(min = 0.3; max = 0.3);
p = s.range(min = -1.57; max = 1.57);
b = s.range(min = 0; max = 0)
All the 10 sinusoidal functions will have the same frequency
is a composite dynamical system that wraps another inner
dynamical system.
It takes an input of types
parameter) windowT
simulated seconds, and trend values (i.e., newest minus oldest) in the same time window.
is a composite dynamical system that wraps another inner
dynamical system.
It acts similarly to enhanced()
, but operates on the output instead of on the input.
It lets inner
compute the output stepT
In other words, outStepped()
makes inner
a step dynamical system.
It may be useful for avoiding high-frequency behaviors, like in [3], where stepT
was set to 0.2.
There is a similar composite dynamical system working on the input, ds.num.inStepped()
, and one working on both input and output, ds.num.stepped()
is a composite dynamical system that wraps another inner
dynamical system.
It is a dynamical system that adds some Gaussian noise before (with inputSigma
There is currently a single kind of problem available, the ea.problem.totalOrder()
It represents an optimization problem in which the objective can be sorted with a total order: usually, it is a number.
This kind of problem is defined by a function qFunction
for assessing the solution (usually an agent) and producing a quality Q
, a function cFunction
for transforming a Q
in a C implements Comparable<C>
, and a type
value specifying if the goal is to minimize or maximize the C
In practice, the qFunction
is a task runner (sim.taskRunner()
) and the cFunction
specifies how to extract a number out of the task outcome, like in this example (taken from this example experiment):
qFunction = s.taskRunner(task = s.task.locomotion());
cFunction = s.task.locomotion.xVelocity();
type = maximize
There are a few available tasks.
Their builders are grouped in the sim.task
The most significant is sim.task.locomotion()
Here, the robot is put on a terrain
(see here for the options) and let move for duration
simulated seconds.
The usual goal in terms of optimization is to maximize the velocity of the robot, that can be extracted from the task outcome with sim.task.locomotion.xVelocity()
Solvers correspond to evolutionary algorithms.
In principle, any solver implemented in JGEA might be used; currently, however, only a few are available here.
Their builders are grouped in the ea.solver
In general, a solver is a way for iteratively search a solution in Supplier<Agent>
), and a genotype List<Double>
For mapping a mapper
Two common solvers are GA and ES: both are able to work with real numbers, i.e., with mapper
, which is indeed a InvertibleMapper<List<Double>, S>
that in turn infers the size of a genotype from a target phenotype.
is a standard GA working on nPop
individuals until nEval
fitness evaluations have been done.
Individual genotypes are initially generated randomly with each element in [initialMinV, initialMaxV]
; then, they are modified by applying a Gaussian mutation with sigmaMut
after a uniform crossover.
Selection is done through a tournament with size tournamentRate
(clipped to the lowest value of minNTournament
is a simple version of Evolutionary Strategy (ES).
After the same initialization of ea.solver.simpleEs()
, it evolves by taking, at each iteration, the best parentsRate
rate of the population, computing their mean value, and producing the next generation by sampling a multivariate Gaussian distribution with the computed mean and sigma
At each iteration, the nOfElites
individuals are copied to the next generation.
The mapper maps a genotype to a robot, using the target
of the run "as the starting point".
Available mappers are in the evorobots.mapper
The two most significant mapper are based on the NumBrained
and NumMultiBrained
interfaces that model, respectively, agents that have one or many brains, respectively (the former being a particular case of the latter).
Both the evorobots.mapper.numericalParametrizedHomoBrains()
and evorobots.mapper.numericalParametrizedHeteroBrains()
assume that the brain or brains are Parametrized
, i.e., they work based on a vector of numerical parameters List<Double>
to the robot simply amounts to injecting the parameters in the brains.
For evorobots.mapper.numericalParametrizedHomoBrains()
, the same evorobots.mapper.numericalParametrizedHeteroBrains()
one chunk of a larger vector is injected as
All the numerical dynamical systems listed above are Parametrized
: the composite ones delegate to the inner function.
Listeners are notified at each iteration during the evolution and at the end of each run.
They can be used to save, typically on a file, useful information concerning the evolution.
Their builders are grouped in the ea.listener
Here we describe the most significant ones.
writes a single CSV file for the experiment.
If the file at filePath
already exists, a new file with a similar name is used, without overwriting the existing file.
The CSV will have one row for each iteration of each run and one column for each of the elements of defaultFunctions
, functions
, and runKeys
Values for functions
are of type NamedFunction
(i.e., functions with a name) whose builders are in the ea.namedFunction
package: usually, compose a few of them for obtaining a function that takes a state POSetPopulationState<G, S, Q>
of the evolution and returns the information of interest.
For example, for having a column with the size of the best genotype (i.e.,
functions = [
ea.nf.size(f = ea.nf.genotype(individual = ea.nf.best()); s = "%5d")
are pairs of strings specifying elements of the run description to be extracted as cell values (as name and value).
Each value string specifies both which part of the run description to extract and, optionally, the format, using the format specifier of Java printf()
method (for run elements being named maps, the special format %#s
just renders the name of the map).
The format of the value has to be {NAME[:FORMAT]}
, e.g., {randomGenerator.seed}
, or {problem.qFunction.task.terrain:%#s}
For instance, ea.misc.sEntry(key = "solver"; value = "{solver:%#s}")
specifies a pair of a name solver
and a value that will be the solver
key of the run, only by name (e.g., ea.solver.doubleStringGa
sends updates about the current run via Telegram.
In particular, at the end of each run it can send some plots (see the ea.plot
package) and zero or more videos (see evorobots.video()
) of the best individual found upon the evolution performing the tasks described in tasks
, not necessarily including the one used to drive the evolution.
This listener requires a chatId
and a Telegram botId that has to be the only content of a text file located at botIdFilePath
The example below shows how to make this listener to send a plot of the fitness of the best individual during the evolution and a video of it performing locomotion on a flat terrain (XXX
has to be replaced with an actual number).
chatId = "XXX";
botIdFilePath = "../tlg.txt";
plots = [
ea.plot.fitness(f = ea.nf.f(outerF = s.task.l.xVelocity()); sort = max; minY = 0)
accumulators = [
task = s.task.locomotion(terrain = sim.terrain.flat(); duration = 60; initialYGap = 0.1);
endTime = 60
shows a text-based user interface summarizing the progress of the experiments.
See the example below for the usage of this listener.
can be used to save a video of one individual (in the default case, the best of the last generation).
runs = (randomGenerator = (seed = [1:1:3]) * [ea.rg.defaultRG()]) * [
solver = ea.s.doubleStringGa(
mapper = er.m.numericalParametrizedHeteroBrains(target = s.a.centralizedNumGridVSR(
body = s.a.vsr.gridBody(
sensorizingFunction = s.a.vsr.sf.directional(
headSensors = [s.s.sin(f = 0); s.s.d(a = -15; r = 5)];
nSensors = [s.s.ar(); s.s.rv(a = 0); s.s.rv(a = 90)];
sSensors = [s.s.d(a = -90)]
shape = s.a.vsr.s.biped(w = 4; h = 3)
function = ds.num.mlp()
nEval = 1000;
nPop = 25
problem = ea.p.totalOrder(
qFunction = s.taskRunner(task = s.task.locomotion(duration = 15));
cFunction = s.task.locomotion.xVelocity();
type = maximize
listeners = [
functions = [
ea.nf.size(f = ea.nf.genotype(individual = ea.nf.best()); s = "%5d");
ea.nf.bestFitness(f = ea.nf.f(outerF = s.task.l.xVelocity(); s = "%5.2f"));
ea.nf.fitnessHist(f = ea.nf.f(outerF = s.task.l.xVelocity()))
runKeys = [
ea.misc.sEntry(key = "seed"; value = "{randomGenerator.seed}")
filePath = "plot-fitness.png";
freeScales = true;
plot = ea.plot.fitnessPlotMatrix(
yFunction = ea.nf.bestFitness(f = ea.nf.f(outerF = s.task.l.xVelocity(); s = "%5.2f"))
filePath = "best-biped-mlp.txt";
functions = [
ea.nf.size(f = ea.nf.genotype(individual = ea.nf.best()); s = "%5d");
ea.nf.bestFitness(f = ea.nf.f(outerF = s.task.l.xVelocity(); s = "%5.2f"))
runKeys = [
ea.misc.sEntry(key = "seed"; value = "{randomGenerator.seed}")
er.l.videoSaver(videos = [
er.video(task = s.task.locomotion(duration = 15; terrain = s.t.hilly()); w = 300; h = 200)
This experiment consists of 3 runs differing only in the randomSeed (seed = [1:1:3]
Instead of specifying three times the full content of a run(...)
(that would have been different in just the random seed), here the *
operator is used.
The target robot is a s.s.d()
), area ratio (s.s.ar()
), rotated velocity (s.s.rv()
The available sensor builders are grouped in the sim.sensor
package (they correspond to methods of the utility class Sensors
of 2dmrsim.)
The solver is a simple GA with a population of 25 individuals.
The task is the one of locomotion on a flat terrain, lasting 15 simulated seconds.
The experiment produces a CSV file located at best-biped-mlp.txt
The file will include also a column named seed
with the random seed of the run and a column solver
with the solver (with a constant value, here).
The experiment also saves, after each run, a video of the best individual which runs on a different terrain than the one it was evolved on (s.t.hilly()
instead of s.t.flat()
The saved video might look like this:
Note that this is the result of a rather short (nEval = 1000
) evolution; moreover, the best robot is here facing a terrain "it never saw" (more precisely, it and its entire ancestry never saw it) during the evolution.
runs = (randomGenerator = (seed = [1:1:10]) * [ea.rg.defaultRG()]) *
(problem = (qFunction = [
s.taskRunner(task = s.task.locomotion(terrain = s.t.flat(); duration = 20));
s.taskRunner(task = s.task.locomotion(terrain = s.t.hilly(); duration = 20))
]) * [
cFunction = s.task.locomotion.xVelocity();
type = maximize
]) * (solver = (mapper = (target = (body = (shape = [
s.a.vsr.s.worm(w = 8; h = 3);
s.a.vsr.s.free(s = "111110-110011");
s.a.vsr.s.worm(w = 5; h = 2)
]) * [
sensorizingFunction = s.a.vsr.sf.uniform(
sensors = [s.s.ar(); s.s.rv(a = 0); s.s.rv(a = 90); s.s.a()]
]) * [
signals = 2;
function = ds.num.mlp()
) * [er.m.numericalParametrizedHomoBrains()]
) * [ea.s.doubleStringGa(nEval = 1000; nPop = 50)]
) * [ea.run()];
listeners = [
functions = [
ea.nf.bestFitness(f = ea.nf.f(outerF = s.task.l.xVelocity(); s = "%5.2f"));
ea.nf.fitnessHist(f = ea.nf.f(outerF = s.task.l.xVelocity()))
Here there is just one listener, just for simplifying the example; in practice it would be weird to run such a big experiment without saving any data.
A single solver is used to solve two tasks:
s.taskRunner(task = s.task.locomotion(terrain = s.t.flat(); duration = 20))
s.taskRunner(task = s.task.locomotion(terrain = s.t.hilly(); duration = 20));
with three robot shapes:
s.a.vsr.s.biped(w = 4; h = 3)
s.a.vsr.s.free(s = "111110-110011")
s.a.vsr.s.worm(w = 5; h = 2)
each time with 10 different random seeds. There will hence be 60 runs.
You can execute a single task on a single agent, instead of performing an entire experiment consisting of several runs, using Player
It can be started with
java -cp 2d-robot-evolution/io.github.ericmedvet.robotevo2d.main/target/robotevo2d.main-1.5.0-jar.with-dependencies.jar io.github.ericmedvet.robotevo2d.main.Player --playFile <play-file>
where <play-file>
is the path to a file with an play description (see evorobots.play()
For example, with a play file like this:
mapper = er.m.numericalParametrizedHeteroBrains(target = s.a.centralizedNumGridVSR(
body = s.a.vsr.gridBody(
sensorizingFunction = s.a.vsr.sf.directional(
headSensors = [s.s.sin(f = 0);s.s.d(a = -15; r = 5)];
nSensors = [s.s.ar(); s.s.rv(a = 0); s.s.rv(a = 90)];
sSensors = [s.s.d(a = -90)]
shape = s.a.vsr.s.biped(w = 4; h = 3)
function = ds.num.noised(outputSigma = 0.01; inner = ds.num.sin(
a = s.range(min = 0.5; max = 0.5);
f = s.range(min = 0.5; max = 0.5);
p = s.range(min = -1.57; max = 1.57);
b = s.range(min = 0; max = 0)
task = s.task.locomotion();
genotype = er.doublesRandomizer();
consumers = [
er.c.video(filePath = "results/video-after.mp4"; startTime = 5; endTime = 15; w = 300; h = 200)
videoFilePath = "results/video-after.mp4"
you run a locomotion task on a biped VSR with a centralized brain consinsting of a sin()
function with randomized phases.
The result is saved as a video at results/video-after.mp4
If you don't want to save a video, use er.c.rtGUI()
as an element of consumers
- Medvet, Bartoli, De Lorenzo, Fidel; Evolution of Distributed Neural Controllers for Voxel-based Soft Robots; ACM Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO); 2020
- Medvet, Nadizar, Manzoni; JGEA: a Modular Java Framework for Experimenting with Evolutionary Computation; Workshop Evolutionary Computation Software Systems (EvoSoft@GECCO); 2022
- Medvet, Rusin; Impact of Morphology Variations on Evolved Neural Controllers for Modular Robots; XVI International Workshop on Artificial Life and Evolutionary Computation (WIVACE); 2022