- Pro
RX5808 Backpack Firmware For ESP32-C3-SUPERMINI
ESP32 diversity video receiver - https://discord.gg/gG2sjjK
JunOllyLi / edgetx_muffin
Forked from EdgeTX/edgetxEdgeTX is the cutting edge open source firmware for your R/C radio
Flight controller in 30*30 size, with STM32F722 uC, Barometer and microSD slot - Version 1 (Prototype)
A simple F722 Flight Controler for FPV (or whatever you decide)
Robotracer - siguelíneas de alto rendimiento; con succión, tracción brushless en sistema tetra y procesador STM32F4
An open-source DIY 4 Axis Foam cutter using Ramps + Arduino for cutting RC Wing Cores.
fra589 / grbl-Mega-5X
Forked from gnea/grbl-Mega5/6 Axis version of Grbl, the open source, embedded, high performance g-code-parser and CNC milling controller written in optimized C that will run on an Arduino Mega2560
A collection of free-to-build handwired keyboard and macropad projects.
Arduino Code for PPM to USB Joystick converter.
jemo07 / opentx_STM32F407VET6
Forked from opentx/opentxOpenTX support for STM32F407VET6
Adaptor for RC simulators based on Arduino Leonardo. Accepts direct PPM input from radio
A DIY 60% acrylic split keyboard, that fits back together.
A split, ergonomic, wireless keyboard
The Piantor Keyboard is a beginner-friendly, easy-to-solder, 42-key or 36-key, diodeless, low profile aggressive column staggered, hotswappable and non-hotswappable, programmable ergonomic mechanic…
KLOR is 36-42 keys column-staggered split keyboard. It supports a per key RGB matrix, encoders, OLED displays, haptic feedback, audio, a Pixart Paw3204 trackball and four different layouts, through…
RomanLut / hx-esp32-cam-fpv
Forked from jeanlemotan/esp32-cam-fpvesp32 cam digital low latency fpv
Remote control library based on ESP-NOW (PlatformIO, ESP32 and ESP8266)
The "DIY" SteamVR compatible VR setup made for tinkerers.
An open source VR headset with SteamVR supports for $200