"Giiant is huge!"
Giiant is an extended code-generator for models and CRUDs, based upon Gii (Yii 2.0 Framework).
It creates prototypes for database models and backends including relations defined by foreign-key constrains in no-time.
To provide a highly flexible configuration system it features a callback-provider-queue to define rendering of customized inputs, columns or attribute values.
A main project goal is porting many features and learnings from gtc, giix, awecrud and other code-generators into one solution.
The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.
composer require schmunk42/yii2-giiant:"*"
The generators are registered automatically in the application bootstrap process, if Gii module is enabled.
- Phundament core-module
To create a full-featured database backend, run the CLI batch command
./yii giiant-batch \
--modelNamespace=app\\models \
--crudControllerNamespace=app\\modules\\crud\\controllers \
--crudSearchModelNamespace=app\\modules\\crud\\models\\search \
--crudViewPath=@app/modules/crud/views \
- generates separate model classes to customize and base models classes which can be regenerated on schema changes
- table prefixes can be stipped off model class names (not bound to
connection settings from Yii 2.0)
- input, attribute, column and relation customization with provider queues
- callback provider to inject any kind of code for inputs, attributes and columns via dependency injection
- virtual-relation support (non-foreign key relations)
- model, view and controller locations can be customized to use subfolders
- horizontal and vertical form layout
- action button class customization (Select "App Class" option on the Action Button Class option on CRUD generator to customize)
- creates all models and/or CRUDs for a set of tables sequentially
Special thanks to motin, thyseus, uldisn and rcoelho for their work, inspirations and feedback.