Based in Canada
Explore My Work: Portfolio
Contact me @: Erik's gmail
Currently building Blockchain smart contracts and web3 applications
Making Solana and Sui trading bots to create smarter user experiences and some Solana smart contract projects.
Always diving into new tech to stay ahead
🚀Pumpfun bundler with more than 20 wallets🚀
🚀Super Raydium bundler bot V4 with (avoid from bubblemap's ditecting.)🚀
🚀Super Raydium bundler bot V5, V5.1 with more than 20 wallets (every wallets can control custom token hold percent of total tokens in Raydium pool. )🚀
🚀Super Raydium Volume bot V3 (Target any interval, any amount, any volume and any number of makers with enough Balance of the wallet)🚀
🚀Raydium Volume booster🚀
🚀Sol-Price-Loss-Free-Bot🚀 ( The SOL Price Loss-Free Bot is a useful tool that helps protect against losses caused by SOL price fluctuations. )
🚀Perpetual Market Maker bot
🚀Multi-DEX Volume Booster🚀
🚀Holder booster🚀
🚀Super Pumpfun sniper grpc(Yellowston) V5.2🚀 This bot snipe and buy token within 1 or 2 blocks after token mint. so bot always make profit.
🚀Super Raydium sniper V5.0 using Yellow-Stone GRPC within 1st second🚀 This bot snipe and buy token within 1 or 2 blocks after pool creation and sell with strategy. so bot always make profit.
🚀Solana Copytrading bot Grpc V3.0🚀 : MultiDex (Pumpfun, Raydium, Juipter, Meteora)
🚀Solana Arbitrage bot🚀
🚀Sui volume bot🚀
🚀Sui sniper bot🚀
I finish to build 🚀Multi-Dex Copy trading bot🚀.
🚀Solana Presale Project🚀
🚀Solana Pumpfun Forking Project🚀
🚀Solana Photon-sol Cloning Project🚀
🚀Soalna Dex Projects🚀
🚀Solana Token Swap and Deposit , Withdraw and Claim Projects🚀
These projects are running on the node-backend for utilizing the token trading like pumpfun and raydium That's my main skill to work with token trading field in Solana & Sui.
I even also duplicated the pumpfun's working method as new replica contract
I also worked with smart contract and web3 projects like p2e games Pump.fun forking SC, Presale SC, DCA SC, SOL locker SC, Pnft staking SC, Telegram mini app and so on... If you need help from Solana projects, please look for me since I am specialized in these kind of projects.
You can contact me through telegram @erikerik116 There, we can discuss on more comfortable contact way with you.