A utility for providing mocked response to Image.network
in Flutter widget tests.
Since you are here you probably already know that calling Image.network results in 400 response in Flutter widget tests. The reason for this is that default HTTP client in tests always return a 400.
So, what can we do about it? Instead of copying the whole code over and over again for mocking
the HTTP client, I created this package. It is heavily inspired by roughike/image_test_utils, however that package is not being maintained despite multiple pull requests
asking for bumping the mockito
version and making the package usable again.
This package should be installed under dev_dependencies
network_image_mock: ^2.0.1
If you have legacy unmigrated code that does not use Null safety, install under dev_dependencies
network_image_mock: 1.1.0
The package is quite straightforward to use. All you have to do is include it in your test
file and wrap widget testing functions that require proper Image.network
response in
function provided by this package. A full test example could look like this.
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart';
import 'package:network_image_mock/network_image_mock.dart';
Widget makeTestableWidget() => MaterialApp(home: Image.network(''));
void main() {
'should properly mock Image.network and not crash',
(WidgetTester tester) async {
mockNetworkImagesFor(() => tester.pumpWidget(makeTestableWidget()));
This is actually an example taken from tests for this package.
There is not much to contribute since the package serves its purpose, however, in chance of needing to bump or adjust some version, or any other suggestion for that matter, please read CONTRIBUTING.