Services for adaguc-server
For setting up development environment:
- Download and install spring tool suite (
- Download lombok.jar (
- Install lombok into spring tool suite with java -jar lombok.jar
- Start STS and import this project as existing project
- Press alt F5 to update Maven
- In STS, select Run as java application
- Select AdagucServicesApplication
- To adjust the server port, set in Run Configuration the argument like this: --server.port=8090
- Copy pre-commit to ./git/hooks to enable automatic unit testing on new commits.
For setting up your adaguc and wps server:
- Create the following directory structure:
- data
- adaguc-services-base
- tokenstore
- catalog
- adaguc-services-space
- adaguc-services-base
- config
- src
- .globus/certificates
- adaguc-services-tmp
- wpsoutputs
- keystore
- data
- Download adaguc server into adagucservices_dir/src (for example: git clone src/adaguc-server)
- Run the script in the adaguc-server repository
- Download pywps (for example: curl -L -O
- Extract pywps in adagucservices_dir/src (for example: cd src && tar xvf ../pywps-3.2.5.tar.gz)
- Set the environment variable ADAGUCSERVICES_DIR such that it points to the adagucservices_dir
- Copy adaguc-services-config.xml.example to your home directory as adaguc-services-config.xml
For setting up certificates for your development environment:
- Generate a certificate inside adagucservices_dir: ${JAVA_HOME}/bin/keytool -genkey -noprompt -keypass password -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA -storepass password -keystore ./keystore/c4i_keystore.jks -dname CN=KNMI-data-sciences
- Copy the certificate to the truststore cp $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/cacerts config/ds-truststore.ts
- The private key needs to be kept secure, it is used by the CA to create new CA files: the file is knmi_ds_rootca.key: openssl genrsa -out config/knmi_ds_rootca.key 2048
- The CA file is created for a special context, in this case: knmi_ds_ca.pem openssl req -x509 -days 3650 -new -nodes -key config/knmi_ds_rootca.key -sha256 -out config/knmi_ds_ca.pem -subj '/O=KNMI/OU=RDWDT/CN=knmi_datasciences_ca_tokenapi'
- In case of a tomcat server it needs to be added to the truststore: (same as certificates for apache http server): ${JAVA_HOME}/bin/keytool -import -v -trustcacerts -alias knmi_ds_ca.pem -file config/knmi_ds_ca.pem -keystore config/ds-truststore.ts -storepass changeit -noprompt
- User: Create privatekey and Certificate Signing Request: openssl genrsa -des3 -out config/${USER}.key 2048 -subj "/O=KNMI/OU=RDWD/CN=${USER}" openssl rsa -in config/${USER}.key -out config/${USER}nopass.key
- CSR Signing request:
openssl req -new -key config/${USER}nopass.key -out config/${USER}.csr -subj "/O=KNMI/OU=RDWD/CN=${USER}"
echo | openssl s_client -connect ${HOST}:8090 2>&1 | sed -ne '/-BEGIN CERTIFICATE-/,/-END CERTIFICATE-/p' > config/adagucservices.pem - Admin: CA now signs the CSR and sends
${USER}.crt file to User openssl x509 -req -in config/$ {USER}.csr -CA config/knmi_ds_ca.pem -CAkey config/knmi_ds_rootca.key -CAcreateserial -out config/${USER}.crt -days 3600 - Create a .p12 file which needs to be imported in your browser: openssl pkcs12 -export -clcerts -in config/${USER}.crt -inkey config/${USER}nopass.key -out config/${USER}.p12
For creating a new package:
- Adjust the version in pom.xml: 0..version (this is named ${VERSION} from now on)
- Type mvn package
- in directory target the file ./target/demo-${VERSION}-SNAPSHOT.jar is created.
- You can for example start this with java -jar demo-${VERSION}-SNAPSHOT.jar