BitSharp intends to be a fully validating Bitcoin node written in C#. This project is currently being prototyped and should be considered alpha software.
Please refer to the BitSharp wiki for all information.
BitSharp is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
Examples can be found in the BitSharp.Examples project.
public void ExampleDaemon()
// create example core daemon
BlockProvider embeddedBlocks; IStorageManager storageManager;
using (var coreDaemon = CreateExampleDaemon(out embeddedBlocks, out storageManager, maxHeight: 99))
using (embeddedBlocks)
using (storageManager)
// report core daemon's progress
logger.Info(string.Format("Core daemon height: {0:N0}", coreDaemon.CurrentChain.Height));
private CoreDaemon CreateExampleDaemon(out BlockProvider embeddedBlocks, out IStorageManager storageManager, int? maxHeight = null)
// retrieve first 10,000 testnet3 blocks
embeddedBlocks = new BlockProvider("");
// initialize in-memory storage
storageManager = new MemoryStorageManager();
// intialize testnet3 rules (ignore script errors, script engine is not and is not intended to be complete)
var rules = new Testnet3Rules { IgnoreScriptErrors = true };
// initialize & start core daemon
var coreDaemon = new CoreDaemon(rules, storageManager) { MaxHeight = maxHeight, IsStarted = true };
// add embedded blocks
// wait for core daemon to finish processing any available data
return coreDaemon;
Core daemon height: 99
public void ChainStateExample()
// create example core daemon
BlockProvider embeddedBlocks; IStorageManager storageManager;
using (var coreDaemon = CreateExampleDaemon(out embeddedBlocks, out storageManager, maxHeight: 999))
using (embeddedBlocks)
using (storageManager)
// retrieve an immutable snapshot of the current chainstate, validation won't be blocked by an open snapshot
using (var chainState = coreDaemon.GetChainState())
// retrieve unspent transactions
var unspentTxes = chainState.ReadUnspentTransactions().ToList();
// report counts
logger.Info(string.Format("Chain.Height: {0,9:N0}", chainState.Chain.Height));
logger.Info(string.Format("ReadUnspentTransactions().Count(): {0,9:N0}", unspentTxes.Count));
logger.Info(string.Format("UnspentTxCount: {0,9:N0}", chainState.UnspentTxCount));
logger.Info(string.Format("UnspentOutputCount: {0,9:N0}", chainState.UnspentOutputCount));
logger.Info(string.Format("TotalTxCount: {0,9:N0}", chainState.TotalTxCount));
logger.Info(string.Format("TotalInputCount: {0,9:N0}", chainState.TotalInputCount));
logger.Info(string.Format("TotalOutputCount: {0,9:N0}", chainState.TotalOutputCount));
// look up genesis coinbase output (will be missing)
UnspentTx unspentTx;
chainState.TryGetUnspentTx(embeddedBlocks.GetBlock(0).Transactions[0].Hash, out unspentTx);
logger.Info(string.Format("Gensis coinbase UnspentTx present? {0,9}", unspentTx != null));
// look up block 1 coinbase output
chainState.TryGetUnspentTx(embeddedBlocks.GetBlock(1).Transactions[0].Hash, out unspentTx);
logger.Info(string.Format("Block 1 coinbase UnspenTx present? {0,9}", unspentTx != null));
logger.Info(string.Format("Block 1 coinbase output states: [{0}]", string.Join(",", unspentTx.OutputStates.Select(x => x.ToString()))));
// look up block 381 list of spent txes
IImmutableList<UInt256> spentTxes;
chainState.TryGetBlockSpentTxes(381, out spentTxes);
logger.Info(string.Format("Block 381 spent txes count: {0,9:N0}", spentTxes.Count));
Chain.Height: 999
ReadUnspentTransactions().Count(): 1,154
UnspentTxCount: 1,154
UnspentOutputCount: 1,196
TotalTxCount: 1,940
TotalInputCount: 2,918
TotalOutputCount: 3,115
Gensis coinbase UnspentTx present? False
Block 1 coinbase UnspenTx present? True
Block 1 coinbase output states: [Unspent]
Block 381 spent txes count: 21
public void ReplayBlockExample()
// create example core daemon
BlockProvider embeddedBlocks; IStorageManager storageManager;
using (var coreDaemon = CreateExampleDaemon(out embeddedBlocks, out storageManager, maxHeight: 999))
using (embeddedBlocks)
using (storageManager)
// start a chain at the genesis block to represent the processed progress
var processedChain = Chain.CreateForGenesisBlock(coreDaemon.Rules.GenesisChainedHeader).ToBuilder();
// a dictionary of public key script hashes can be created for any addresses of interest, allowing for quick checking
var scriptHashesOfInterest = new HashSet<UInt256>();
// retrieve a chainstate to replay blocks with
using (var chainState = coreDaemon.GetChainState())
// enumerate the steps needed to take the currently processed chain towards the current chainstate
foreach (var pathElement in processedChain.NavigateTowards(chainState.Chain))
// retrieve the next block to replay and whether to replay forwards, or backwards for a re-org
var replayForward = pathElement.Item1 > 0;
var replayBlock = pathElement.Item2;
// begin replaying the transactions in the replay block
// if this is a re-org, the transactions will be replayed in reverse block order
using (var replayTxesQueue = BlockReplayer.ReplayBlock(coreDaemon.CoreStorage, chainState, replayBlock.Hash, replayForward).LinkToQueue())
foreach (var loadedTx in replayTxesQueue.GetConsumingEnumerable())
// the transaction being replayed
var tx = loadedTx.Transaction;
// the previous transactions for each of the replay transaction's inputs
var inputTxes = loadedTx.InputTxes;
// scan the replay transaction's inputs
if (!loadedTx.IsCoinbase)
for (var inputIndex = 0; inputIndex < tx.Inputs.Length; inputIndex++)
var input = tx.Inputs[inputIndex];
var inputPrevTx = inputTxes[inputIndex];
var inputPrevTxOutput = inputPrevTx.Outputs[(int)input.PreviousTxOutputKey.TxOutputIndex];
// check if the input's previous transaction output is of interest
var inputPrevTxOutputPublicScriptHash = new UInt256(SHA256Static.ComputeHash(inputPrevTxOutput.ScriptPublicKey));
if (scriptHashesOfInterest.Contains(inputPrevTxOutputPublicScriptHash))
if (replayForward)
{ /* An output for an address of interest is being spent. */ }
{ /* An output for an address of interest is being "unspent", on re-org. */}
// scan the replay transaction's outputs
for (var outputIndex = 0; outputIndex < tx.Outputs.Length; outputIndex++)
var output = tx.Outputs[outputIndex];
// check if the output is of interest
var outputPublicScriptHash = new UInt256(SHA256Static.ComputeHash(output.ScriptPublicKey));
if (scriptHashesOfInterest.Contains(outputPublicScriptHash))
if (replayForward)
{ /* An output for an address of interest is being minted. */ }
{ /* An output for an address of interest is being "unminted", on re-org. */}
// a wallet would now commit its progress
walletDatabase.CurrentBlock = replayBlock.Hash;
// TODO: after successfully committing, a wallet would notify CoreDaemon of its current progress
// TODO: CoreDaemon will use this information in order to determine how far in the current chainstate it is safe to prune
// TODO: with this in place, if a wallet suffers a failure to commit it can just replay the block
// TODO: wallets can also remain disconnected from CoreDaemon, and just replay blocks to catch up when they are reconnected
// update the processed chain so that the next step towards the current chainstate can be taken
if (replayForward)
logger.Info("Processed chain height: {0:N0}", processedChain.Height);
Processed chain height: 999