The Most Complete Angular UI Component Library
Springboot, Angular and JWT security - Example Project based on Northwind Order Processing
🐝 A fast, easy and collaborative open source image annotation tool for teams and individuals.
C Projesi içerisinde bulunan bazı parametreleri veren proje
CoreUI Angular is free Angular 19 admin template based on Bootstrap 5
Sau Optimizasyon Dersi Proje Ödevi
Layers Outputs and Gradients in Keras. Made easy.
A list of Reverse Engineering articles, books, and papers
Pruning and other network surgery for trained Keras models.
Mobile (Android) Family Medicine Project
Python dilinde tam sayılar ve desimal sayılar için basamak hesabı. desimal sayılarda virgülden önceki ve sonraki değerlerle beraber hesaplama yapıyor
Example app showing how to build a Spring Boot REST API and Angular UI
AngularJs intro: Focusing on the REST part with examples in java, nodejs and even dotnet ;-) This repo is from 2013 and is still being cloned...
List of awesome reverse engineering resources
Desktop/Android/HTML5/iOS Java game development framework