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Hiccup in pure Clojure


Clojars Project

(require '[huff2.core :as h])


When it comes to hiccup libraries, there's a venn-diagram "has ergonomic and modern affordances" and "works on babashka". So huff is my way of saying why not both?


  • 🏭 Use functions as components
  • 🎨 Style maps work as you'd expect [:div {:style {:font-size 30}}]
  • 🔀 Include classes and ids tags in any order
    • :div.a#id.b or :div.a.c#id or :#id.a.c all work!
  • 🔒️ HTML-encoded by default
  • 👵 Runs on babashka (unlike lambdaisland/hiccup)
  • 🏎 Performance: 22-48% faster than hiccup/hiccup for runtime-generated HTML without pre-compilation
  • 🙂 Hiccup-style fragments to return multiple forms (list [:li.a] [:li.b])
  • 🙃 Reagent-style fragments to return multiple forms [:<> [:li.a] [:li.b]]
  • 🤐 Extreme shorthand syntax [:. {:color :red}] <div color=red></div>
  • 🦺 Tested against slightly modified hiccup 2 tests
  • NEW: 🪗 Extendable grammar + custom emitter functions!
  • NEW: 📦 raw-string support

Tag Parsing

Parse tags for id and class (in any order).

(h/html [:div.hello#world "!"])
;; => <div class="hello" id="world">!</div>

Nested tag parsing

(println (h/html [:div.left-aligned>p#user-parent>span {:id "user-name"} "Jason"]))

;=> <div class="left-aligned"><p id="user-parent"><span id="user-name">Jason</span></p></div>

reagent-like fragment tags

(h/html [:<> [:div "d"] [:<> [:<> [:span "s"]]]])
;; => 

This is useful for returning multiple elements from a function:

(defn twins [x] [:<>
                 [:div.a x]
                 [:div.b x]])

(h/html [:span.parent [twins "elements"]])
<span class="parent">
  <div class="a">elements</div>
  <div class="b">elements</div>

Nest and combine them with lists to better convey intent to expand:

   [:<> (for [x [1 2]]
          [:li> {:id (str "id-" x)} x])]])

   <p id=\"id-1\" class=\"green\">1</p>
   <p id=\"id-2\" class=\"green\">2</p>

Style map rendering

(h/html [:div {:style {:border "1px red solid"
                       :background-color "#ff00ff"}}])
;; => <div style="background-color:#ff00ff;border:1px red solid;"></div>

(h/html [:. {:style {:width 3}}])
;;=> <div style=\"width:3px;\"></div>

Raw HTML tag:

This is nice if you want to e.g. render markdown in the middle of your hiccup. Note: We disable this by default and it must be manually enabled in the call to html or page,

(h/html [:hiccup/raw-html "<div>raw</div>"])
;; =Throws=> :hiccup/raw-html is not allowed. Maybe you meant to set allow-raw to true?

(h/html {:allow-raw true} [:hiccup/raw-html "<div>raw</div>"])
;;=> <div>raw</div>

Another nice-to-have is to disallow raw html in un-trusted data getting passed into to the compiler, but being able to do that as a dev.

(h/html [:div [:hiccup/raw-html (h/raw-string "<!-- oops.")]])
;; => <div><!-- oops.</div>

[More Info]

Use functons as components

Write a function that returns hiccup, and call it from the first position of a vector, like in reagent.

(defn str-info [s]
   [:span (apply str (reverse s))]
   [:pre.len "Length: " (count s)]])

(h/html [str-info "hello"])
;; => 
<div class="info">
  <pre class="len">Length: 5</pre>

Automatically append px for numeric style values:

(h/html [:div {:style {:width (* 5 2)}}])

;;=> <div style="width:10px;"></div>

Extendable Grammar

We now offer customization of the hiccup grammar.

With this power, you can write new tags that can parse (and validate) their inputs.


Let's say you really need a tag to count its children, and put that into the final html.

  1. Add your new tag to the hiccup schema:
(def my-schema (h2e/add-schema-branch h/hiccup-schema :my/child-counter-tag))
  1. Write the emitter function for your tag:
(defmethod h/emit :my/child-counter-tag [append! [_ [_ values]] opts]
  (append! "I have " (count values) " children."))

append! takes strings and will append them internally during html generation.

  1. Call huff2.core/html with your new schema:
;; call:
(h/html (custom-fxns! my-schema)
  [:div>h1 [:my/child-counter-tag "one" "two" "three"]])
  ;; => <div><h1>I have 3 children.</h1></div>

This will be a little faster, and you should prefer it if your schema isnt dynamic.

;; build:
(let [my-fxns (custom-fxns! my-schema)]
  (def my-html (fn my-html [hic] (h/html my-fxns))))
(my-html [:div>h1 [:my/child-counter-tag "one" "two" "three"]])
;; => <div><h1>I have 3 children.</h1></div>

More details in the huff extension tests.

Prior Art


Juicy hiccup in pure Clojure







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