Order a burrito from chipotle with the cli!
Interesting way to gain some knowledge of casper.js for integration testing.
If you answer yes to "Is this a live order?" it really does place a real order go pick it up.
A Chipotle account
Then run...
brew install phantomjs
brew install casperjs --devel
Install with: sudo npm install cli-burrito-maker -g
After doing: npm install cli-burrito-maker -g
New order or first time simply type: 'burrito' and the program will guide you through making your burrito selections.
At the end of your order you will be prompted to save these preferences in a config file.
If you would like to order from with an existing order config, simply type the burrito command and the name of your config file: burrito myway
Limitations: Current implementation supports one burrito at a time, requires an account and only supports burritos.
Copyright (c) 2015 Erik Scott
Licensed under the MIT license.