Tags: esensar/overcommit
0.46.0 * Fix `Credo` pre-commit hook to lint applicable files only rather than all files * Add `PhpCsFixer` pre-commit hook * Add `YardCoverage` pre-commit hook * Add `Flay` pre-commit hook * Add `Stylelint` pre-commit hook * Fix `TsLint` default flags to work with `tslint` 5.11+
0.45.0 New Features * Add `CargoTest` pre-push hook for running `cargo test` * Add `min_subject_width` option to `TextWidth` `commit-msg` hook Changes * Drop support for Ruby versions 2.1 and older Bug Fixes * Fix detection of `.git` directory location on Git versions before 2.5
0.44.0 New Features * Add support for [worktrees](https://git-scm.com/docs/git-worktree) Bug Fixes * Fix installer to not attempt to remove old hooks directory if non-empty * Fix erroneous `fatal` error message from a pre-commit hook run when adding the first submodule to a repo
0.42.0 New Features * Add `YarnInstall` post-checkout, post-commit, post-merge, and post-rewrite hooks * Add [`metadata-json-lint`](https://voxpupuli.org/blog/2014/11/06/linting-metadata-json/) pre-commit hook * Add [`RstLint`](https://github.com/twolfson/restructuredtext-lint) pre-commit hook * Add `YarnInstall` post-checkout, post-commit, post-merge, and post-rewrite hooks * Add additional file patterns for `ChamberSecurity` pre-commit hook * Add `ChamberCompare` and `ChamberVerification` pre-commit hooks * Add `ComposerInstall` post-checkout, post-commit, post-merge, and post-rewrite hooks * Add ability to `pre-push` hooks to inspect modified files for pushed refs * Add [`PhpStan`](https://github.com/phpstan/phpstan) pre-commit hook Changes * Run `GoLint` pre-commit hook against each file individually * Improve performance of `BundleAudit` checking of `Gemfile.lock` file * Allow ad hoc hooks to run executables not tracked by Git * Drop support for Ruby 2.0 Bug Fixes * Fix `LineEndings` pre-commit hook handling of file paths with spaces * Fix `Mdl` pre-commit hook message parsing regex * Fix `RailsBestPractices` hook to only run against changed files * Fix Overcommit installation in submodules * Don't print backtrace of signature change for `overcommit --run`
0.41.0 * Add [`PhpCs`](http://pear.php.net/package/PHP_CodeSniffer) pre-commit hook * Add [`PhpLint`](http://php.net/manual/en/features.commandline.options.php) pre-commit hook * Allow toggling colorize output via `OVERCOMMIT_COLOR` environment variable
0.40.0 * Add [`Pronto`](https://github.com/mmozuras/pronto) pre-commit hook * Add [`hadolint`](https://github.com/lukasmartinelli/hadolint) pre-commit hook * Add [`license_finder`](https://github.com/pivotal/LicenseFinder) pre-commit hook * Use the `core.hooksPath` Git configuration option when installing hooks * Gracefully handle binary files in `LineEndings` pre-commit hook * Relax `childprocess` dependency to allow 0.x * Gracefully handle gem loading errors when invoking Overcommit in a repo where the `gemfile` specified by the local `.overcommit.yml` references a gem version incompatible with the already-loaded Overcommit * Ignore `Makefile` and `*.go` files in `HardTabs` pre-commit hook by default
0.39.0 New Features * Add [`GitLfs`](https://git-lfs.github.com/) pre-push hook Changes * Update `childprocess` dependency to 0.6.x series * Auto-sign configuration file when installing hooks for the first time Bug Fixes * Fix `forwarding to private method` warning on Ruby 2.4.x * Fix potential hang when a hook's `parallelize` option was set to `false` * Fix `empty strings as pathspecs` warning introduced in Git 2.11