TODO: Add description
If available in Hex, the package can be installed as:
Add sidewinders_fang to your list of dependencies in
:def deps do [{:sidewinders_fang, "~> 0.0.1"}] end
Ensure sidewinders_fang is started before your application:
def application do [applications: [:sidewinders_fang]] end
mix new sidewinders_fang --sup
cd sidewinders_fang
git init
git add *
git add .gitignore
mix deps.get
mix compile
MIX_ENV=dev mix release
mysqladmin shutdown
rel/sidewinders_fang/bin/sidewinders_fang console
iex -S mix
iex(1)> :observer.start()
curl localhost:8080/access/trips/cell/2fca6088-cde4-4526-b5d2-f1af9c5147b2/BASE/1
curl localhost:8080/access/trips/cell/2fca6088-cde4-4526-b5d2-f1af9c5147b2/BASE
curl localhost:8080/access/trips/cell/2fca6088-cde4-4526-b5d2-f1af9c5147b2
curl -X PUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data '{"rows": [{"uuid": "2fca6088-cde4-4526-b5d2-f1af9c5147ba", "columns": [{"column_key": "BASE", "ref_key": "1", "data": {"the": "data"}}, {"column_key": "ROUTE", "ref_key": "1", "data": {"start": "here"}}, {"column_key": "ROUTE", "ref_key": "10", "data": {"end": "there"}}]}]}' localhost:8080/access/trips/cells/
curl -X PUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data '{"rows": [{"uuid": "2fca6088-cde4-4526-b5d2-f1af9c5147ba", "columns": [{"column_key": "BASE", "ref_key": "1", "data": {"the": "data"}}, {"column_key": "ROUTE", "ref_key": "1", "data": {"start": "here"}}, {"column_key": "ROUTE", "ref_key": "10", "data": {"end": "there"}}]}]}' localhost:8080/access/trips/cells/ | jq . && curl -X PUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data '{"rows": [{"uuid": "2fca6088-cde4-4526-b5d2-f1af9c5147ba", "columns": [{"column_key": "BASE", "ref_key": "1", "data": {"the": "data"}}, {"column_key": "ROUTE", "ref_key": "1", "data": {"start": "here"}}, {"column_key": "ROUTE", "ref_key": "10", "data": {"end": "there"}}]}]}' localhost:8080/access/trips/cells/ | jq . && curl localhost:8080/access/trips/cell/2fca6088-cde4-4526-b5d2-f1af9c5147ba | jq .
cd benchmark
python ./
brew install lua51
luarocks-5.1 install lua-cjson
wrk --connections 10 --duration 10 --threads 10 -s multi-request-json.lua http://localhost:8080
bottleneck, basic functionality including 409s on put_cell. Heavy bottleneck in Schemaless.Store genserver.
pre_poolboy, Schemaless.Store genserver removed, perf doubles.
poolboy, uses pools for Schemaless.Cluster, perf suprisingly halves again :-(
mysql_otp, moved from MariaEx to MySQL/OTP driver.
configurable_mysql_mariaex, option to pick mysql driver
configurable_poolboy_and_mysql, options to pick poolboy/no-poolboy and mysql driver