YouQu, a simple and powerful autotest framework.
English | 简体中文
YouQu is an automated testing basic framework designed and developed by Deepin Technology. It adopts the design concept of hierarchical structure, supports multiple element positioning and assertion, use case label management and execution, powerful log and report output and other special functions. At the same time, it is perfectly compatible with X11 and Wayland display protocols, the environment deployment is simple, and the operation is easy to use.
Installing from PyPI:
sudo pip3 install youqu
create a project:
youqu-startproject my_project
Installation dependencies:
cd my_project bash
Install from source code:
git clone my_project cd my_project bash
youqu run
- Official Forum for generic discussion and help.
- Developer Center for BUG report and suggestions.
- Wiki
We encourage you to report issues and contribute changes
- Contribution guide for developers (English)
- Translate for your language on Transifex please update to the actual Transifex link of this project
YouQu is licensed under GPL-2.0-only