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Bridge between any two ethereum-based networks


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This branch is 55 commits behind paritytech/parity-bridge:master.

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DISCLAIMER: we recommend not using the bridge in "production" (to bridge significant amounts) just yet. it's missing a code audit and should still be considered alpha. we can't rule out that there are bugs that might result in loss of the bridged amounts. we'll update this disclaimer once that changes

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  • bridge is able to pass arbitrary messages between two ethereum-based blockchains.

developers can create bridge extensions to send and receive messages on either blockchain.

the bridge can mitigate scaling issues: by deploying a proof-of-authority network and bridging it to the Ethereum Foundation network ('mainnet') users can pass arbitrary messages between the chains, which can be used to pass information to contracts on foreign chains with much lower transaction fees, faster block times, that are unaffected by mainnet congestion.

Users can pass messages back to the mainnet chain at any time over the same bridge.

parity is using the bridge project to prototype the system that will eventually connect ethereum and other non-parachains to polkadot.

current functionality

the bridge connects two chains main and side.

when users send messages to the Main or Side contracts on main or side respectively, using relayMessage(bytes calldata data, address recipient), the data is passed to any BridgeRecipient contract on the other chain that may process it as it wishes.

side is assumed to use PoA (proof of authority) consensus. relays between the chains happen in a byzantine fault tolerant way using the authorities of side.

high level explanation of main ether -> side ERC20 relay

sender calls Main.relayMessage(data, recipient). the relayMessage function emits RelayMessage( messageID, sender, recipient).

for each relayMessage event on Main every authority executes Side.acceptMessage(transactionHash, data, sender, recipient).

once there are Side.requiredSignatures such transactions with identical arguments and from distinct authorities then AcceptedMessage(messageID, sender, recipient) is emitted and acceptMessage(data, sender) is called on recipient.

high level explanation of side ERC20 -> main ether relay

sender executes Side.relayMessage(data, recipient) which emits Side.RelayMessage(messageID, sender, recipient).

for every Side.RelayMessage, every bridge authority creates a message containing the transactionHash, message_id, sender, and recipient of the transaction referenced by the Side.RelayMessage event; signs that message and executes Side.submitSignedMessage(signature, message). this collection of signatures is on side because transactions are free for the authorities on side, but not free on main.

once Side.requiredSignatures signatures by distinct authorities are collected a Side.SignedMessage(authorityThatSubmittedLastSignature, messageHash) event is emitted.

everyone (usually authorityThatSubmittedLastSignature) can then call Side.message(messageHash) and Side.signature(messageHash, 0..requiredSignatures) to look up the message and signatures and execute Main.acceptMessage(vs, rs, ss, transactionHash, data, sender, recipient) and relay the message.

Main.acceptMessage recovers the addresses from the signatures, checks that enough authorities in its authority list have signed and finally AcceptedMessage(messageID, sender, recipient) is emitted and acceptMessage(data, sender) is called on recipient.

run truffle smart contract tests

requires yarn to be $PATH. installation instructions

cd truffle
yarn test


requires rust and cargo: installation instructions.

requires solc: installation instructions.

assuming you've cloned the bridge (git clone [email protected]:paritytech/parity-bridge.git) and are in the project directory (cd parity-bridge) run:

cargo build -p parity-bridge -p parity-bridge-deploy --release

to install, copy target/release/parity-bridge and target/release/parity-bridge-deploy into a folder that's in your $PATH.


the bridge is configured through a configuration file.

here's an example configuration file: integration-tests/bridge_config.toml

following is a detailed explanation of all config options. all fields are required unless marked with optional.


  • address - address of this bridge authority on main and side chain

main options

  • main.http - path to the http socket of a parity node that has main.account unlocked
  • main.contract.bin - path to the compiled Main contract
    • required for initial deployment
    • run tools/ to compile contracts into dir compiled_contracts
    • then set this to compiled_contracts/Main.bin
  • main.required_confirmations - number of confirmations required to consider transaction final on main.http
    • optional, default: 12
  • main.poll_interval - specify how frequently (seconds) main.http should be polled for changes
    • optional, default: 1
  • main.request_timeout - how many seconds to wait for responses from main.http before timing out
    • optional, default: 5

side options

  • side.http - path to the http socket of a parity node that has side.account unlocked
  • side.contract.bin - path to the compiled Side contract
    • required for initial deployment
    • run tools/ to compile contracts into dir compiled_contracts
    • then set this to compiled_contracts/Side.bin
  • side.required_confirmations - number of confirmations required to consider transaction final on side.http
    • optional, default: 12
  • side.poll_interval - specify how frequently (seconds) side.http should be polled for changes
    • optional, default: 1
  • side.request_timeout - how many seconds to wait for responses from side.http before timing out
    • optional, default: 5

authorities options

  • authorities.account - array of addresses of authorities
  • authorities.required_signatures - number of authorities signatures required to consider action final

transaction options

gas and gas_price to use for the specific transactions. these are all optional and default to 0.

look into the [transactions] section in integration-tests/bridge_config.toml for recommendations on provided gas.

these happen on main:
  • transaction.main_deploy.gas
  • transaction.main_deploy.gas_price
  • transaction.withdraw_relay.gas
  • transaction.withdraw_relay.gas_price
these happen on side:
  • transaction.side_deploy.gas
  • transaction.side_deploy.gas_price
  • transaction.deposit_relay.gas
  • transaction.deposit_relay.gas_price
  • transaction.withdraw_confirm.gas
  • transaction.withdraw_confirm.gas_price

database file format

main_contract_address = "0x49edf201c1e139282643d5e7c6fb0c7219ad1db7"
side_contract_address = "0x49edf201c1e139282643d5e7c6fb0c7219ad1db8"
main_deployed_at_block = 100
side_deployed_at_block = 101
last_main_to_side_sign_at_block = 121
last_side_to_main_signatures_at_block = 122
last_side_to_main_sign_at_block = 122

all fields are required

  • main_contract_address - address of the bridge contract on main chain
  • side_contract_address - address of the bridge contract on side chain
  • main_deployed_at_block - block number at which main contract has been deployed
  • side_deployed_at_block - block number at which side contract has been deployed
  • last_main_to_side_sign_at_block - number of the last block for which an authority has relayed signatures to the side
  • last_side_to_main_signatures_at_block - number of the last block for which an authority has relayed signatures to the main
  • last_side_to_main_sign_at_block - number of the last block for which an authority has confirmed messages relayed to main

deployment and run

read our deployment guide





considerations for relaying messages to main

a bridge authority has to pay for gas (cost) to execute Main.acceptMessage when sending a message from the side chain to the main chain. When creating BridgeRecipients, it is prudent to keep this cost in mind.

parity-bridge connects a value-bearing ethereum blockchain main (initially the ethereum foundation chain) to a non-value-bearing PoA ethereum blockchain side (initially the kovan testnet).

value-bearing means that the ether on that chain has usable value in the sense that in order to obtain it one has to either mine it (trade in electricity) or trade in another currency. non-value-bearing means that one can easily obtain a large amount of ether on that chain for free. through a faucet in the case of testnets for example.

the bridge authorities should also be the validators of the side PoA chain. transactions by the authorities are therefore free (gas price = 0) on side.

to execute a transaction on main a bridge authority has to spend ether to pay for the gas.

this opens up an attack where a malicious user could spam Side.relayMessage. It would cost the attacker no main chain wei and essentially free side testnet wei to cause the authorities to spend significant amounts of wei to relay the message to main by executing Main.acceptMessage. an attacker is able to exhaust bridge authorities funds on main.

To shut down this attack, a whitelist of approved recipients should be employed for main.

Another method that may be used to mitigate potential abuse of authorities on main is to encourage users of the bridge to call Main.acceptMessage themselves (by collecting the message and its signatures from side) spending their own gas, instead of mandating that validators spend their gas.


Bridge between any two ethereum-based networks







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  • Rust 100.0%