A Python library for accessing the Quickbooks API. Complete rework of quickbooks-python.
These instructions were written for a Django application. Make sure to change it to whatever framework/method you’re using. You can find additional examples of usage in Integration tests folder.
For information about contributing, see the Contributing Page.
Follow the OAuth 2.0 Guide to get connected to QuickBooks API.
Set up an AuthClient passing in your CLIENT_ID
auth_client = AuthClient(
Then create a QuickBooks client object passing in the AuthClient, refresh token, and company id:
from quickbooks import QuickBooks
client = QuickBooks(
If you need to access a minor version (See Minor versions for details) pass in minorversion when setting up the client:
client = QuickBooks(
List of objects:
from quickbooks.objects.customer import Customer
customers = Customer.all(qb=client)
Note: The maximum number of entities that can be returned in a response is 1000. If the result size is not specified, the default number is 100. (See Intuit developer guide for details)
Filtered list of objects:
customers = Customer.filter(Active=True, FamilyName="Smith", qb=client)
Filtered list of objects with ordering:
# Get customer invoices ordered by TxnDate
invoices = Invoice.filter(CustomerRef='100', order_by='TxnDate', qb=client)
# Same, but in reverse order
invoices = Invoice.filter(CustomerRef='100', order_by='TxnDate DESC', qb=client)
# Order customers by FamilyName then by GivenName
customers = Customer.all(order_by='FamilyName, GivenName', qb=client)
Filtered list of objects with paging:
customers = Customer.filter(start_position=1, max_results=25, Active=True, FamilyName="Smith", qb=client)
List Filtered by values in list:
customer_names = ['Customer1', 'Customer2', 'Customer3']
customers = Customer.choose(customer_names, field="DisplayName", qb=client)
List with custom Where Clause (do not include the "WHERE"
customers = Customer.where("Active = True AND CompanyName LIKE 'S%'", qb=client)
List with custom Where and ordering:
customers = Customer.where("Active = True AND CompanyName LIKE 'S%'", order_by='DisplayName', qb=client)
List with custom Where Clause and paging:
customers = Customer.where("CompanyName LIKE 'S%'", start_position=1, max_results=25, qb=client)
Filtering a list with a custom query (See Intuit developer guide for supported SQL statements):
customers = Customer.query("SELECT * FROM Customer WHERE Active = True", qb=client)
Filtering a list with a custom query with paging:
customers = Customer.query("SELECT * FROM Customer WHERE Active = True STARTPOSITION 1 MAXRESULTS 25", qb=client)
Get record count (do not include the "WHERE"
customer_count = Customer.count("Active = True AND CompanyName LIKE 'S%'", qb=client)
Get single object by Id and update:
customer = Customer.get(1, qb=client)
customer.CompanyName = "New Test Company Name"
Create new object:
customer = Customer()
customer.CompanyName = "Test Company"
The batch operation enables an application to perform multiple operations in a single request (See Intuit Batch Operations Guide for full details).
Batch create a list of objects:
from quickbooks.batch import batch_create
customer1 = Customer()
customer1.CompanyName = "Test Company 1"
customer2 = Customer()
customer2.CompanyName = "Test Company 2"
customers = []
results = batch_create(customers, qb=client)
Batch update a list of objects:
from quickbooks.batch import batch_update
customers = Customer.filter(Active=True)
# Update customer records
results = batch_update(customers, qb=client)
Batch delete a list of objects:
from quickbooks.batch import batch_delete
customers = Customer.filter(Active=False)
results = batch_delete(customers, qb=client)
Review results for batch operation:
# successes is a list of objects that were successfully updated
for obj in results.successes:
print "Updated " + obj.DisplayName
# faults contains list of failed operations and associated errors
for fault in results.faults:
print "Operation failed on " + fault.original_object.DisplayName
for error in fault.Error:
print "Error " + error.Message
Change Data Capture returns a list of objects that have changed since a given time (see Change data capture for more details):
from quickbooks.cdc import change_data_capture
from quickbooks.objects import Invoice
cdc_response = change_data_capture([Invoice], "2017-01-01T00:00:00", qb=client)
for invoice in cdc_response.Invoice:
# Do something with the invoice
Querying muliple entity types at the same time:
from quickbooks.objects import Invoice, Customer
cdc_response = change_data_capture([Invoice, Customer], "2017-01-01T00:00:00", qb=client)
If you use a datetime
object for the timestamp, it is automatically converted to a string:
from datetime import datetime
cdc_response = change_data_capture([Invoice, Customer], datetime(2017, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), qb=client)
See Attachable documentation for list of valid file types, file size limits and other restrictions.
Attaching a note to a customer:
attachment = Attachable()
attachable_ref = AttachableRef()
attachable_ref.EntityRef = customer.to_ref()
attachment.Note = 'This is a note'
Attaching a file to customer:
attachment = Attachable()
attachable_ref = AttachableRef()
attachable_ref.EntityRef = customer.to_ref()
attachment.FileName = 'Filename'
attachment._FilePath = '/folder/filename' # full path to file
attachment.ContentType = 'application/pdf'
Void an invoice:
invoice = Invoice()
invoice.Id = 7
If your consumer_key never changes you can enable the client to stay running:
You can disable the global client like so:
All objects include to_json
and from_json
Converting an object to JSON data:
account = Account.get(1, qb=client)
json_data = account.to_json()
Loading JSON data into a quickbooks object:
account = Account()
"AccountType": "Accounts Receivable",
"Name": "MyJobs"
When setting date or datetime fields, Quickbooks requires a specific format. Formating helpers are available in helpers.py. Example usage:
date_string = qb_date_format(date(2016, 7, 22))
date_time_string = qb_datetime_format(datetime(2016, 7, 22, 10, 35, 00))
date_time_with_utc_string = qb_datetime_utc_offset_format(datetime(2016, 7, 22, 10, 35, 00), '-06:00')
Note: Objects and object property names match their Quickbooks counterparts and do not follow PEP8.
Note: This is a work-in-progress made public to help other developers access the QuickBooks API. Built for a Django project running on Python 2.