Base repository for description, roadmap, issues for
- The dynamic creating of user interface based on ABI as for static functions, so and as for executable functions. Just paste ABI with a contract address and you will get high quality UI for an interaction and exploring any smart contract.
- The wallet creating with new address or unlocking the wallet based on JSON/UTC3 file format.
- The interaction with blockchain via unlocked/created wallet for test/main/local networks.
- The sending of ETH amount on a smart contract, which provides payable interface.
- The search by address, transaction hash, block number.
- The dynamic definition a metamask extension.
- The deploying smart contract based on Truffle JSON file with custom constructor arguments.
- API for an external getting of data from static functions and a balance of address (
- The events/transactions inspecation for a smart contract with UI.
- The integration with Shapeshift for a quckly exchange any available crypto currency on ETH.
- The tool for creating UI from truffle cli (
- create API for a receiving results for static functions
- mark an execution method if it is payable
- add a saving of personal bookmarks and quick access to personal contacts for logged in users
- if in a contract a field type is address, then need to add a possibility to paste from personal contact list
- if in a contract a field type is BigNumber, then need possibility convert from/to ETH/WEI
- show a calculation average block time + add block for fast convert between some block/time
- add a validation code via uploading a zip file with contract files, contained "import" feature
- generate android + ios versions
- create browser extension to checking balance for contract and addresses, show a link for interaction
- offline transaction for sending a transaction after some block (autosending)
- create a tool for convert between units, sha3, etc.
- add an integration with hardware wallet
- add an integration with hardware wallet
- add an integration with hardware wallet
- add a subscription for notifications about contract events
- creating custom filters for notifications on events
- add a historical data in DB to create tree between all transaction in real time