Please note any future or current CS Undergrads are not permitted to copy, reuse or distribute any of my code as to do so would be a breach of Academic Integrity and a pain in my backside... You have been warned.
Programming 1 Labs Submissions. Overall averaged 87% (Prizeworthy)
Introduction to Object Orientated Programming Concepts in Java.
These labs covered these concepts below (Source
- Writing and running programs
- Compilation, Interpretation and the Java Virtual Machine
- Variables, Objects, Primitives and Scope
- Methods
- Computational Thinking
- Constructors
- Loops and Arrays
- Collections and Iterators
- The Java Library
- Integrated Development Environments
- Testing and Debugging
- Software Design (What makes a good program)
- Super and Sub Classes (Inheritence)
- Polymorphism and Dynamic Binding
- Abstract Classes and Interfaces
- Designing Applications (Moving from problem to solution)