A colorful, low-contrast, light & dark theme set for Emacs 24.3+. It strives to be pleasant, clean, and consistent, with special focus for the current buffer.
This theme started as a Frakenstein mash-up of base16-eighties-theme
and solarized-light
themes which I customized heavily, then completely swapped out the color palette based on Google's Material color suggestions.
The recommended and easiest way to install is through MELPA via package.el
M-x package-install apropospriate-theme
Or you can always manually download the directory somewhere and add it both load-path
and custom-theme-load-path
Once installed, load either theme variant with M-x load-theme
or in your config:
(require 'apropospriate)
(load-theme 'apropospriate-dark t)
;; or
(load-theme 'apropospriate-light t)
(use-package apropospriate-theme
:ensure t
(load-theme 'apropospriate-dark t)
;; or
(load-theme 'apropospriate-light t))
Apropospriate supports all the usual prog-mode
derived packages as well as some fun extra stuff:
- Company Mode
- Magit 1.x & 2.x
- Powerline
- Spaceline
- Rainbow Delimiters
- Highlight Blocks Mode
- Highlight Tail Mode
- Highlight Indent Guides Mode
- Highlight Indentation Mode
- Beacon
- Flycheck
- Flycheck Inline
- Flymake
- Auto Dim Other Buffers
- Ace Jump Mode
- Ace Jump Window
- Ace Jump Buffer
- Avy
- Swoop & Helm Swoop
- Highlight Symbol Mode
- Git Gutter
- Diff Hl (looks best with
) - Pulse
- Helm
- Popup & Pos Tip
- Evil
- Tabbar
- Org Mode
- Guide Key
- Which Key
- Visible Mark
- Aznu
- Wgrep
- Eshell
- Ansi-Term
- Neotree
- Hydra
- Dired Subtree
- Dirvish
- Symbol Overlay
- Counsel CSS
- Ivy Posframe
- Smerge
- Lsp-mode
- Lsp-UI-mode
- Grizzl
- Hi-Lock
- Flyspell
- Display Numbers Line Mode
- Visual-Regexp
- Solaire
- Frog Menu
- Which Key Posframe
- Company Posframe
- Goggles
- Orderless
- Corfu
- Corfu Quick
- Vertico
- Ediff
- Mlscroll
- Vertico Quick
- Tab-bar
- Tab-line
- VC-Annotate
- Window Divider Mode
- Transient
- Transient Posframe Mode
- Vertico Posframe Mode
- Tempel
- Inf-Ruby
- Blamer
- Mini Popup
- MisTTY
- Indent Bars Mode