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A GUI for saving SHSH blobs using tsschecker. Supports macOS, Windows, and Linux.
Download here (Requires Java)
Tip: if you want blobs you save to automatically be uploaded to the cloud, see here.
- Automatically save blobs in the background
- Store up to ten devices with presets
- Save blobs for beta versions
- Read all the information (including the apnonce) from a connected device, so you don't have to get it manually
- No need to download entire .ipsw for beta versions(just specify link)
Please send feedback via Github Issue or Reddit PM if you encounter any bugs/problems or have a feature request.
- JDK 8
- IntelliJ Idea
- Gradle
- shadow (gradle plugin)
- gradle-macappbundle (Mac) (gradle plugin)
- gradle-launch4j (Windows) (gradle plugin)
- Inno Setup (Windows) (creating Windows installer)
See the full credits here.
This project is licensed under GNU GPL v3.0-only - see the LICENSE file for details