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Help Scout PHP Wrapper Build Status

PHP Wrapper for the Help Scout API and Webhooks implementation. More information on our developer site.

Version 1.8.0 Released

Please see the Changelog for details.


  • PHP 5.3.x
  • curl
  • shuber/curl


.Zip + Composer

Download the .zip and unpack it. cd into the directory and run composer install


require_once '/path/to/shuber/curl/lib/curl.php';
include_once '/path/to/helpscout/helpscout-api-php/src/HelpScout/ApiClient.php'

Example Usage: API

include 'HelpScout/ApiClient.php';

use HelpScout\ApiClient;

$hs = ApiClient::getInstance();

$mailboxes = $hs->getMailboxes();
if ($mailboxes) {
    // do something

$mailbox = $hs->getMailbox(99);
if ($mailbox) {
    $mailboxName = $mailbox->getName();
    $folders = $mailbox->getFolders();
    // do something

$conversation = $hs->getConversation(999);
if ($conversation) {
    // do something
    $threads = $conversation->getThreads();
    foreach($threads as $thread) {
        if ($thread instanceof \HelpScout\model\thread\LineItem) {
          // do something else
        if ($thread instanceof \HelpScout\model\thread\ConversationThread) {
          // do something again

// to get page 2 of a list of conversations:
$list = $hs->getConversationsForMailbox(99, array('page' => 2));

// to get all the closed conversations:
$closed = $hs->getConversationsForMailbox(99, array('page' => 1, 'status' => 'closed'));

// to get page 2 of a list of conversations,
// while only returning the "id" and "number" attributes on a conversation:
$convos = $hs->getConversationsForMailbox(99, array('page' => 2), array('id', 'number'));

// to get page 2 conversations from a specific folder:
$convos = $hs->getConversationsForFolder(99, 22, array('page' => 2)); // where 99=MailboxId and 22=FolderId

// to create a new conversation with a note and an attachment
$at = new \HelpScout\model\Attachment();


$note = new \HelpScout\model\thread\Note();
$note->setBody('Hey this is a note');

// if you already know the ID of the Help Scout user, you can simply get a ref
$userRef = $hs->getUserRefProxy(4);


$convo = new \HelpScout\model\Conversation();
$convo->setSubject('Note test');

// every conversation must be tied to a customer



Field Selectors

Field selectors can be given as a string or an array.

When field selectors are used, a JSON object is returned with the specificed fields. If no fields are given, you will be given the proper object. For example, the following code will return a JSON object with fields for 'name' and 'email'.

$mailbox = ApiClient::getInstance()->getMailbox(99, array('name','email'));

Returned JSON

    "name": "My Mailbox",
    "email": "[email protected]"

API Client Methods


  • getMailboxes($page=1, $fields=null)
  • getMailbox($mailboxId, $fields=null)


  • getFolders($mailboxId, $page=1, $fields=null)


  • getConversationsForFolder($mailboxId, $folderId, array $params=array(), $fields=null)
  • getConversationsForMailbox($mailboxId, array $params=array(), $fields=null)
  • getConversationsForCustomerByMailbox($mailboxId, $customerId, array $params=array(), $fields=null)
  • getConversation($conversationId, $fields=null)
  • createConversation($conversation)
  • createThread($conversationId, $thread)
  • updateConversation($conversation)
  • deleteConversation($id)


  • getAttachmentData($attachmentId)
  • createAttachment($attachment)
  • deleteAttachment($id)


  • getCustomers($page=1, $fields=null)
  • searchCustomers($firstName=null, $lastName=null, $email=null, $page=1, $fields=null)
  • searchCustomersByEmail($email, $page=1, $fields=null)
  • searchCustomersByName($firstName, $lastName, $page=1, $fields=null)
  • getCustomer($customerId, $fields=null)
  • createCustomer($customer)
  • updateCustomer($customer)


  • getUsers($page=1, $fields=null)
  • getUsersForMailbox($mailboxId, $page=1, $fields=null)
  • getUser($userId, $fields=null)

Reports (available via Service Descriptions)

  • getConversationsReport()
  • getConversationsBusyTimesReport()
  • getNewConversationsReport()
  • getConversationsDrillDownReport()
  • getConversationsDrillDownByFieldReport()
  • getNewConversationsDrillDownReport()
  • getDocsReport()
  • getHappinessReport()
  • getHappinessRatingsReport()
  • getProductivityReport()
  • getFirstResponseTimeProductivityReport()
  • getRepliesSentProductivityReport()
  • getResolvedProductivityReport()
  • getResolutionTimeProductivityReport()
  • getResponseTimeProductivityReport()
  • getProductivityDrillDownReport()
  • getCompanyReport()
  • getCustomersHelpedTeamReport()
  • getCompanyDrillDownReport()
  • getUserReport()
  • getUserConversationHistoryReport()
  • getUserCustomersHelpedReport()
  • getUserDrillDownReport()
  • getUserRepliesReport()
  • getUserResolutionsReport()
  • getUserHappinessReport()
  • getUserRatingsReport()
  • getCustomersHelpedCompanyReport()

Example Usage: Reports

include 'HelpScout/ApiClient.php';

use HelpScout\ApiClient;

$scout = ApiClient::getInstance();

$report = $scout->getConversationsReport([
	'start' => '2014-01-01T00:00:00Z',
	'end' => '2014-12-31T23:59:59Z'

Report methods are not hard coded into the ApiClient class, but rather they are "described" via Service Descriptions. Service Descriptions are PHP configuration arrays that declare the method name, where and how to call the API, and any parameters available and/or required.

URL configuration parameters are sent to the ApiClient method via a single configuration array parameter. $scout->getDocsReport($config).

A list of available reporting methods is available by calling $scout->getServiceDescriptionMethods().

Example Usage: Webhooks

include 'HelpScout/Webhook.php';

$webhook = new \HelpScout\Webhook('secret-key-here');
if ($webhook->isValid()) {
  $eventType = $webhook->getEventType();
  switch($eventType) {
    case 'convo.created':
        $conversation = $webhook->getConversation();
        // do something
    case 'convo.deleted':
        $obj = $webhook->getObject();
        if ($obj) {
          $convoId = $obj->id;
          // do something
    case 'customer.created':
        $customer = $webhook->getCustomer();
        // do something

Example Usage: Custom Fields

Retrieving custom fields for a mailbox

include 'HelpScout/ApiClient.php';

use HelpScout\ApiClient;

$scout = ApiClient::getInstance();

$mailbox = $scout->getMailbox(1234);
$customFields = $mailbox->getCustomFields();

Retrieving custom fields with responses for a conversation

$conversation = $scout->getConversation(1234);
$customFields = $conversation->getCustomFields();

Filling in a value for a field on a conversation that hasn't been filled out yet

This is if the conversation hasn't had any fields filled out yet

$conversation = $scout->getConversation(1234);
$mailbox = $scout->getMailbox($conversation->getMailbox()->getId());

$conversationFields = [];

foreach ($mailbox->getCustomFields() as $customField) {
    if ($customField->getId() == 88) {
        $field = clone $customField;
        $conversationFields[] = $field;



Updating a value for a field on a conversation

$conversation = $scout->getConversation(1234);

foreach ($conversation->getCustomFields() as $customField) {
    if ($customField->getId() == 88) {


Custom Field Validation

Date Fields (DateFieldRef)

Must be a valid date in the format of YYYY-MM-DD (year-month-day).

Dropdown Fields (DropdownFieldRef)

The value must be the ID of one of the available dropdown options.

Multi Line Fields (MultiLineFieldRef)

The maximum string length for a multi line value is 15000 characters.

Number Fields (NumberFieldRef)

Number values must be numeric. Integers and Decimals (floats) are allowed (ex: 100 or 12.34).

Single Line Fields (SingleLineFieldRef)

The maximum string length for a single line value is 255 characters.


Enable debugging by calling the setDebug(true) method.

The setDebug method accepts two parameters: The first is a boolean to turn debugging on or off (true = on, false = off). The second (optional) parameter is a directory in which to save a debug output file. If no directory is passed, the output will echo instead of writing to a log file.

Example output

[Apr 02 20:54:28] DEBUG: request = {"id":49424262,"firstName":"John","lastName":"Doe","photoUrl":null,"photoType":null,"gender":"unknown","age":null,"organization":null,"jobTitle":null,"location":"Dallas, TX","createdAt":"2015-04-01T18:08:10Z","modifiedAt":"2015-04-02T15:09:37Z","background":null,"address":{"id":5678,"lines":["123 Main Street"],"city":"Dallas","state":"","postalCode":74206,"country":"US","createdAt":null,"modifiedAt":null},"socialProfiles":[],"emails":[],"phones":[],"chats":[],"websites":[]}; context: {"method":"PUT"}
[Apr 02 20:54:28] DEBUG: response = {"code":400,"error":"Input could not be validated","validationErrors":[{"property":"address:state","value":null,"message":"Value is required"}]}; context: {"method":"PUT"}
[Apr 02 20:54:28] ERROR: Input could not be validated; context: {"method":"PUT","code":400,"errors":[{"property":"address:state","value":null,"message":"Value is required"}]}

Debug lines consist of four parts: Timestamp [Apr 02 20:54:28], Level DEBUG, Message, and Context.

The example above debugging output represents 3 lines of debug text, all occurring within the same API call, a PUT method to update a Customer. The first is the request JSON, the second is the response JSON, and the third is an API error and its response from the server.

Catching API Errors/Exceptions

4** and 5** errors from the server are handled via the API client. After a the response is received from the API server, the client does a check to ensure the request succeeded. If a 4** or 5** error is detected, the client will throw a HelpScout\ApiException. This allows you to easily catch errors from the server, whether it's a validation error or the server can't be reached. This keeps your application from exploding and killing your request and allows you to recover.

When errors are returned from the API server (for example: when validation fails), the errors are added to the exception and accessible via the getErrors() method.


try {
} catch (\HelpScout\ApiException $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage();
    echo "\n";

That outputs

    [0] => Array
            [property] => createdBy
            [value] => 1234
            [message] => The specified createdBy is not valid

    [1] => Array
            [property] => customer
            [value] => 5678
            [message] => The specified customer is not valid

    [2] => Array
            [property] => mailbox
            [value] => 012345
            [message] => The specified mailbox is not valid



PHP Wrapper for the Help Scout API






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