This library is a digital Proportional-Integrative-Derivative digital controller designed for embedded systems to interact with real systems.
Full mathematical description and testing results of this libarary can be found (in spanish) in kharsansky-quadrotor-control-thesis.
#include "qPIDs.h"
float setPoint = 0.0;
float sensor = 0.0;
float output = 0.0;
// Example usage for the qPID library for controlling the speed of a simle motor
// The idea is to control the speed of the motor by varing the voltage applied via PWM
float readSensor(void); // A function that reads the motor speed from a sensor
float readSetPoint(void); // A function that reads the desired speed from a potentiometer
setActuator(void); // A function that sets the PWM output for controlling the motor
void example(void){
// Declare de new object
qPID controler;
// Configure settings
controller.AntiWindup = ENABLED;
controller.Bumpless = ENABLED;
// Set mode to auotmatic (otherwise it will be in manual mode)
controller.Mode = AUTOMATIC;
// Configure de output limits for clamping
controller.OutputMax = 1.0;
controller.OutputMin = -1.0;
// Set the rate at the PID will run in seconds
controller.Ts = 0.005;
// More settings
controller.b = 1.0;
controller.c = 1.0;
// Init de controller
// Set the tunning constants
controller.K = 0.5;
controller.Ti = 1/0.02;
controller.Td = 0.0;
controller.Nd = 4.0;
while (1){
sensor = readSensor(); // update the process variable
setPoint = readSetPoint(); // update the user desired value
// Update the PID and get the new output
output = qPID_Procees(&controller, setPoint, sensor);
setActuator(output); // update the actuator input