A sales website with roles for sales associate and managers to sign into
- Clone from GitHub
- GO
- Execute
- Open up project in Visual Studios
- Run the project
- Login in as sales associate or manager
- As a sales associate the user can:
- see complete inventory to help customers
- make a sale, which reduces inventory and increases revenue
- process a return which returns an item to inventory and credits a refund
- see all of my sales, and make comments that only I can see
- calculate my commission based on my individual sales
- As a manager I can perform the following actions on a single page using AJAX
- see inventory AND costs for inventory items
- review and edit sales by all sales associates, to correct for errors
- view sales associate comments on sales
- see commission for all sales associates
- add or remove sales associates
- add new inventory for sale, including item cost and sale price
- see the total balance sheet for the entire store (revenue - costs = profit)
- Create roles to differ between sales associate and manager
- For sales associates:
- List all inventory on index page
- Create sell button which will decrease inventory by -1 and increase revenue based on item price
- Process a return which returns item to inventory and credits a refund
- List all sales and create a comments section
- Calculate a commission based on the number of items sold
- For managers:
- List all inventory and costs for inventory items.
- List all sales by individual sales associates.
- View sales associates comments on sales.
- List commission by sales associate.
- Create or delete sales associates.
- Create items for inventory including price and sale price.
- List profit sheet for all sales in store.
Contact me at [email protected]
.NET, SSMS, Visual Studios
##Link to GitHub "GitHub", "Page"
Copyright (c) 2017 Tammy Dang