simplifies getting basic audio filters up and running when using The Amazing Audio Engine. Instead of always using raw C and CoreAudio patterns, DETAAEFilters
provides object wrappers for each of the audio filters provided by Apple. E.g. to apply a low-pass filter to a signal, you can simply instantiate DELowPassFilter
and set its frequency and resonance values properties.
Here is a list of available signal modifiers:
- Bandpass
- Delay
- Distortion
- Dynamics Processor
- Highpass
- High shelf
- Lowpass
- Low shelf
- New Time Pitch
- Parametric EQ
- Peak Limiter
- Reverb
- Varispeed
Below is an example of how to add reverb.
-(void)someMethod {
self.audioController =
[[AEAudioController alloc] initWithAudioDescription: [AEAudioController nonInterleaved16BitStereoAudioDescription] inputEnabled: YES];
self.reverbFilter = [DEReverbFilter filterWithAudioController:self.audioController];
self.reverbFilter.dryWetMix = 50.f;
[self.audioController addFilter:self.reverbFilter];