- based on https://github.com/haqu/tiny-wings
@he9qi Score show, we need animation for getting points!!
- coin
- when crazy, coin x 2
- height, when reach a certain height.
- make over image (transparent except the title) [done]
- make panda shadow image [done, no need]
- TIPS!! [done]
- Beginning picture!!! [done]
- background mountains [done]
- dim background: cclayer alpha [done]
- flat in the end with grass [done]
- different viewlayer for pause over menu [done]
- Hit, good slide, crazy! [done]
- save score in internal iOS db [done, use NSUserDefaults]
- quit game (change quit button to some other buttons like
[done, removed quit button]
- images, (low, high) definition. @he9qi will do the sprite.
- fonts ( http://www.angelcode.com/products/bmfont/ ) use this! [already done with adding existing fonts]
- terrain texture mapping
- far mountain texture mapping
- Cloud
- Pause
- flying leaves
- think about how game ends
- Particle Effects
- Sounds
- Score