REST API server written with..
- Node JS framework
- Javascript
- Express
- swagger-jsdoc for creating the swagger docs.
- swagger-ui-express for creating a swagger interface/test route.
- /
- Redirects to /api-docs.
- /api-docs
- Documentation and user interfaces.
- /test
- Dummy data for testing purposes.
- /test_auth
- Dummy data for testing purposes. Requires authorisation.
- /user
- Register, login, logout interfaces for managing authentication.
- /quiz
- Interfaces for managing quizzes.
Redirects to /api-docs
Documentation and user interfaces.
Dummy data for testing purposes. Implements a few basic REST interfaces (see api-docs).
Dummy data for testing purposes. Implements a few basic REST interfaces (see api-docs). Requires authenticated and authorised user credentials.
- Register a new user.
- Login for existing user.
- Logout.
- Refresh authentication token.
- Retrieve a summary list of quizzes.
- Retrieve a specific instance of quiz.