- Node.js
- Turntable-API (npm install ttapi)
- coffee-script (npm install coffee-script)
- underscore (npm install underscore)
- Mu (npm install Mu)
- log4js (npm install log4js)
- node-mongodb-native (npm install mongodb)
- mongodb (duh)
- a turntable.fm userid, auth, and roomid (https://github.com/alaingilbert/Turntable-API/wiki/How-to-find-the:-auth,-userid-and-roomid)
- The fortune (6) command is in your path, and your fortunes database includes a "humorists" section.
encobot assumes you're running mongodb on localhost on the default port.
$ cp defaults.coffee <room>.coffee
$ # edit room.coffee to taste
$ coffee ./encobot.coffee ./<room>.coffee