gravity_waaaves_app Public
a 2 channel video mixer & processor with dual video delay lines
defaultVideoProject Public
a good place to start developing video synthesis/processing projects on VSERPI
defaultAudioReactiveProject Public
a good place to start working with audio reactive video synthesis projects in VSERPI
spectral_mesh Public
a scan processing inspired video resynthesizer for the waaave pool rpi distro
a helpful 4 band colorizer/solarizer specially optimized for filming bigfoot
artificial_life Public
generative video oscillator system for VSERPI
lil_waaaves_sqrt-PI- Public
a tiny version of video_waaaves with less over all functionality flexibility but perhaps a better introduction to the structures and signal paths of working with digital feedback systems
phosphorm Public
an audio visual synthesizers optimized for x-y oscilloscope displays
VIDEO_WAAAVES_2.5_suite Public
a playground for video feedback synthesis
cellular_automata_lab Public
a small program for experimenting with cellular automata
A superformula based freeware video synth for the waaave_pool raspberry pi distro
hydra Public
Forked from hydra-synth/hydraLivecoding networked visuals in the browser