#Personal Vim Files
While the names 'ducking-bear', 'tripping-hipster' and 'derp-hipster' suggested by GitHub sound so endearing, they were kind of non-descriptive.
The majority of the files I use, and therefore are contained in this repository,
were made by other, awesome people. Those files are found freely on the internet,
but there is still the issues of licenses that prohibit this kind of redistribution.
This is not the intention of this repo.
Please contact me if you have a takedown request, or similar proposals.
I DO NOT CLAIM AUTHORSHIP of any of the files in .vim.
I DO for the horrible .vimrc, though.
This is basically the .vimrc and vim files (.vim) that I used in my little Linux
boxes. I also use it on Windows, so I might later add the _vimrc and vimfiles folder.
Just a repo made for convenience.
Might add proper credits and links to where credit is due.