Fast drag and drop for any experience on any tech stack
Efficient immutable updates, 2-6x faster than naive handcrafted reducer, and more than 10x faster than Immer.
The Concise TypeScript Book: A Concise Guide to Effective Development in TypeScript. Free and Open Source.
Collection of dark mode components and effects crafted in React and Tailwind CSS.
Incredibly fast JavaScript runtime, bundler, test runner, and package manager – all in one
Finite state machines for building accessible design systems and UI components. Works with modern frameworks, and even just Vanilla JS
A cross-platform runtime for Web developers to build desktop & mobile apps for any OS using any frontend library.
Preguntas típicas sobre React para entrevistas de trabajo ⚛️
🖍️ Crayons - A UI Kit comprising of web components for building Freshworks Apps!
A library of dependency-free JavaScript utilities that do just one thing.
A next-generation tool to create blazing-fast documentation sites.
Pass props down Stencil.js component trees easily.
Powerful virtual data grid smartsheet with advanced customization. Best features from excel plus incredible performance 🔋
Client-side JavaScript PDF generation for everyone.
Select Web Component which wraps ChoicesJS library using StencilJS
Library of components for the Graphite Design System
Example Vite monorepo with Typescript, NPM 7 Workspaces, and Storybook
Modular JavaScript framework for building scalable and reactive applications
My personal notes taken while studing on
Tips and tricks for making components shareable across different projects (framework agnostic)
The web framework for content-driven websites. ⭐️ Star to support our work!
A monorepo containing the packages for Esri's Calcite Design System
Tourist Guide into your React Components
Build declarative, responsive layouts in React using CSS Grid.