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Implementing a DataLoader

Bulk data in the EzBake ecosystem resides in the Warehaus. In order to run Amino analytics on the data in Ezbake, the developer must write a couple of classes to process the data that is stored in the Warehaus. The following is what it entails to process the data to create the chunks for Amino.

NOTE: In the future, there will be an archetype to help facilitate the creation of this process

Dataloader Components

The "dataloader" in the sense of this document is really comprised of 3 distinct parts - The MapReduce job for loading up the data and doing Amino analytics, the dataloader itself for processing the data in the Warehaus, and the Reducers for pulling out the Amino Analytics. These can be found in the dataloader, job, and reducer subdirectories of the amino-impl project


This is what loads the data from the Warehaus. The developer should extend the WarehausDataLoader which will take care of connecting to the Warehaus and grabbing the appropriate data.

When the developer registers their application in Ezbake, they have the option of adding Amino Jobs. If an Amino Job is registered, the data loader will be able to access this job from INS at runtime and determine what data it needs to get from the Warehaus. It is possible to manually tell the dataloader what data to load from the Warehaus by setting the warehausDataLoader.datasource.uri key/value in the configuration. If this key is set, the dataloader will use this this value, otherwise it will call out to INS to determine what data it needs to process.

RAW vs Thrift

The data inside of the Warehaus is stored in both Thrift and RAW formats. The developer is free to choose which format of the data that they would like to process. To do so, the developer sets the warehausDataLoader.dataType key/value in the config to either PARSED for Thrift data, or RAW to access the raw data that was stored.

The WarehausDataLoader has two abstract methods that need need to be implemented

void extractFromRaw(final byte[] rawData, final MapWritable outputMap) 
void extractFromThrift(final byte[] rawThrift, final MapWritable outputMap)

Both methods take in data and chunk it out into pieces. The outputMap is a mapping of Text fields representing what the atom of data is, and a Writable for that value (for example <username, "Bob">). The byte[] rawThrift will be the bytes for the serialized Thrift object.

All data vs Temporal data

There are two modes of fetching the data from the Warehaus. The default is to fetch all of the records given by the registered job pipeline, or the values pointed to by warehausDataLoader.datasource.uri. The second way of fetching data is temporally.

If the config has the key warehausDataLoader.timeRange.Type set, then the dataloader will pull data from the Warehaus from specific date ranges. There are 3 modes of pulling data temporally from the Warehaus:

  • EXPLICIT_RANGE - In this mode the dates to pull are explicitly given in the config
  • START_DATE - All data from a given date to the present are fetched
  • RECENT_PERIOD - All data from a period of time to the present are fetched (i.e. the last weeks worth of data)

Methods to Override

In addition to the two methods to implement for parsing the data, it is recommended that the developer also override the following methods as appropriate

public void setConfig(Configuration config)

Override this method to set any additional config parameters that you might need for later.

public String getDataSourceName()

The name of the data source.

public String getDataSetName(MapWritable mw)

The name of the dataset inside of the datasource

public String getVisibility()

This is classification string to use in the database for protecting the data. This should be the maximum classification of all of the data. The default is whatever was registered for the application via the web site. Example: U

public String getHumanReadableVisibility()

This is the human readable version of the visibility string (i.e. UNCLASSIFIED vs U). This string gets passed along so that GUIs can display the classifications in a meaningful form. The default is whatever was registered for the application via the website

Overriding bucket names

In addition to overriding the above methods, the dataloader class should also set the bucket names for the loader. This can be done by statically loading the bucket names such as:

private static final Text BUCKET1 = new Text("number");
private static final Text BUCKET2 = new Text("number2");
static {
    bucketsAndDisplayNames.put(BUCKET1, new Text("number"));
    bucketsAndDisplayNames.put(BUCKET2, new Text("number2"));


The reducers are used to extract the Amino features from the data chunks of the mapper. The reducers very simple and should implement the AminoReducer interface for extracting the features from the data. The reducer will go through all of the chunks and produce AminoWritables, which consist of a Feature describing the feature and a FeatureFact.

The FeatureFact is the core type of information in Amino. Currently, it can be one of the following types:

  • DateFeatureFact - A simple date
  • DateHourFeatureFact - A date and time
  • IntervalFeatureFact - Represents and interval of values (dates, ranges, etc)
  • NominalFeatureFact - One of a discrete list of values (e.g. city names)
  • OrdinalFeatureFact - A collection of values that has order (e.g. first, second, third)
  • PointFeatureFact - A lat/long
  • PolygonFeatureFact - A collection of PointFeatureFacts
  • RatioFeatureFact - Something that could be counted in a range of values (e.g looking for number starting with 1-3)

Adding a new feature to your dataset is as simple as implementing a class with the signature:

public class MyFeature extends AminoConfiguredReducer implements AminoReducer

Your new class must implement a single method:

public Iterable<AminoWritable> reduce(DatasetCollection datasets)

Here's an example of a reducer that decides whether a number is even or odd:


This is the MapReduce job that ties together the dataloader and reducer to produce the Amino analytics from the Warehaus data. It should extend from WarehausAminoJob and typically only overrides the following two methods:

  • getDataLoaderClass() - Simply returns the current class. If this is not overriden, it will attempt to find the class name from the config in the AminoJob.dataLoader key
  • getAminoReducerClasses() - This simply creates an Iterable of all of the AminoReducers that the job should run

Running an AminoJob requires that all of the associated jars are bundled together into one uber jar. To help facilitate this, the POMs are set up to create one uber jar which is also conveniently packaged into a .tar.gz for uploading to the Ezbake deployment website. The typical layout of the job heirarchy is:

  • project/pom.xml - Sets up the project to build the uberjar and .tar.gz
  • project/src/assembly/package.xml - The directives for packaging the output
  • project/src/configs/projectConfig.xml - Any config values needed for the job, such as raw/thrift or temporal
  • project/src/non-packaged-resources - The yml file for uploading to the Ezbake website. Gets put in the target directory on build
  • project/src/main/java/ezbatch/amino/job/ - The actual job file
  • project/src/main/resources/META-INF/services/com._42six.amino.api.job.AminoJob - Tells Amino what class it should be running

Running the Dataloader

When the developer registers their job, it will be scheduled to run once every 24 hours by default. This will read the data from the Warehaus using the dataloader and be passed to a Mapreduce job for processing. The developer's reducers will be used to extract Amino features from the data and place them in HDFS to be aggregated with the output of other batch jobs. Periodically, Ezbake will run Amino analytics against the aggregated data and populate the Ezbake Amino tables.

Uploading and executing

In order for the dataloader to run, it needs to be uploaded to the Ezbake system. Use the following steps to deploy a dataloader to the Ezbake system

  1. Log into the Ezbake deployment web page
  2. Create a new application if one does not already exist. It is important to "Add Amino Job" at the very end. This will register a job in INS and allow the dataloader to know what rows from the Warehaus it needs to process for each data source
  3. Submit the application and wait for it to be approved
  4. Compile your job. Make sure that in the manifest.yml that you have the name key set to the name of your application and that the job_name is set to what you named the aminoJob
  5. Under your application, click on the deployments section and click "Add New Deployment Package"
  6. A modal will appear. Under "Add Application File (.JAR, .WAR, or .EAR) Or use advanced option" click 'use advanced'
  7. For "Add Deployer tar.gz" click on "Choose File" and browse to the target directory of the job. You will find the .tar.gz to upload
  8. For "Add Manifest File (.YML)", click on "Choose File" and browse to the target directory of the job. You should find the .yml file there as well.
  9. Click "Deploy Application".
  10. Wait the for deployment to be approved. Once the deployment is approved it will be run within 2 minutes and will be scheduled to run every 24 hours (by default). Note that the results will not be in the Amino index until the interal Amino bitmap jobs have executed


EzBake's Amino implementation







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