dmca Public
Forked from github/dmcaRepository with text of DMCA takedown notices as received. GitHub does not endorse or adopt any assertion contained in the following notices. Users identified in the notices are presumed innocent u…
Rich Text Format UpdatedOct 23, 2020 -
fabrebatalla18.github.io Public
mira-project Public
Forked from OpenOrbis/mira-project-archiveThe Homebrew Platform
C UpdatedMay 23, 2018 -
Pastee Public
Forked from kartikjagdale/PasteeA small Program to submit pastes to Paste.ee
Python GNU General Public License v2.0 UpdatedJan 27, 2018 -
ccma-info Public
Forked from Fenisu/ccma-infoScript to retrieve info about shows from ccma cat given a specific directory url.
Python GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedJul 23, 2016