This is the code associated with the paper "Re-Examining Linear Embeddings for High-Dimensional Bayesian Optimization"
If you find this code useful please cite it as
author = {Letham, Benjamin and Calandra, Roberto and Rai, Akshara and Bakshy, Eytan},
title = {Re-Examining Linear Embeddings for High-Dimensional {B}ayesian Optimization},
booktitle = {Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 33},
year = {2020},
series = {NeurIPS},
To install the code clone the repo and install the dependencies as
git clone
cd alebo
pip install -r requirements.txt
Some of the baselines require additional packages that can not be pip-installed.
Detailed instructions can be found inside each file of the benchmarks/
See quickstart.ipynb
for a simple example of how to use ALEBO to optimize a function. ALEBO is built using the Ax platform; see instructions there on how to install via pip. You will need version 0.1.17 or later.
This repository contains the code required to run the benchmark experiments and generate the figures in the paper. The only exception are the DAISY figures, since the simulator is not yet open source.
The figs/
directory contains a file to generate each of the figures in the paper, as indicated by the file name. Some figures show the results of simulations; in these cases the file contains code to both run the simulation and create the figure. For example, executing figs/
will run the P_opt simulation described in the paper, will store the simulation results in figs/data/
, and will then generate the figure based on those results. The pdf for Fig. 4 will be saved in figs/pdfs/
The benchmarks/
directory contains code for running the benchmark BO experiments described in the paper. The benchmark problems are defined in
. Each method has its own script for evaluating that method on the appropriate set of benchmark problems: run_{method}
, where {method}
, for our implementations of ALEBO, HeSBO, and REMBOaddgpucb
for Add-GP-UCB via Dragonflycmaes
for CMA-ESebo
for Ensemble Bayesian Optimizationlinebo
for LineBOsmac
for SMACturbo
for TuRBO
See the paper for references for each of these methods. Each file explains what needs to be done in order to run the experiments for that method. For instance,
requires installing cma
from pip;
requires cloning a repository. See each file for its instructions.
The file run_rrembo_benchmarks.R
provides a similar script in R for running the benchmark experiments for k-\Psi REMBO variants. These use the R package RRembo
, and results are stored in json.
All benchmark results are stored in benchmark/results/
(the json files produced by each run of each method are not shipped in this repo). Once all of the run_*_benchmarks.*
files have been run,
is used to compile the results from all of the different methods into a single file for each experiment. These files are benchmarks/results/*_aggregated_results.json
and are included in this repository as the benchmark results used in the paper.
Executing figs/
loads these aggregated results and generates the benchmark results figure in the paper.
A separate script benchmarks/
contains all of the code for running the NASBench experiment.
The actual implementation of the ALEBO method is at:
This code is licensed under CC-by-NC, as found in the LICENSE file.