It analyzes dependencies of php programs, verifies files with require and include accessing
the file to verify its existence recursively, not checking files that use namespaces
like use Zend\Stdlib\Hydrator;
, it makes directory diffs recursively with export
possibility of the result, performs file list dependency analysis, and creates a dependency map.
go get
--broken-deps Check all broken dependencies of your project PHP has
--diff Make diff between two folders recursively
--check Check dependencies with two folders recursively
--filter-file Filter files per list, work with --diff and --check
--ignore Ignore folders
--export Export diffs file into folder, this only work with --diff
--verbose Print result
--dep-map Dependency map, this only work with --check
--excluded-file Ignore this files on the dependencies check, this only work with --check
ckp --broken-deps /var/www/app --verbose
ckp --diff /var/www/app1 /var/www/app2 --verbose
ckp --diff /var/www/app1 /var/www/app2 --ignore vendor,bin --verbose
ckp --diff /var/www/app1 /var/www/app2 --ignore vendor --filter-file files.txt --verbose
ckp --diff /var/www/app1 /var/www/app2 --ignore vendor --filter-file files.txt --export --verbose
ckp --check /var/www/app --verbose
ckp --check /var/www/app --filter-file files.txt --verbose
ckp --check /var/www/app --filter-file files.txt --dep-map --verbose
ckp --check /var/www/app --filter-file files.txt --dep-map --excluded-file ignore-files.txt --verbose
Clone the repository in folder do you prefer
cd /srv
git clone
Execute the file for up the docker containers
The first step executes the option 3, again execute the file with the option 1 when the option 3 is finished! for the canonical source repository
Copyright (c) - 2016-2018
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/ _| __ _ ___(_) (_) |_ __ _ | |_ ___ ___| |__
| |_ / _` |/ __| | | | __/ _` || __/ _ \/ __| '_ \
| _| (_| | (__| | | | || (_| || || __/ (__| | | |
|_| \__,_|\___|_|_|_|\__\__,_(_)__\___|\___|_| |_|
Generate new containers ? [ 1 ]
Delete all containers ? [ 2 ]
Start new build ? [ 3 ]
Example of how to return after executing option number 1
Generating new containers ...
Name Command State Ports
ckp reflex -c /var/exec/reflex ... Up 6060/tcp
ckp is up-to-date
Name Command State Ports
ckp reflex -c /var/exec/reflex ... Up 6060/tcp
Preview the logs.
docker logs ckp -f