Reaching the bigger amount of blood donators using an easy to use social platform.
An app where the user(Donator) can view and search for donating stations. Get some inspiration from our inspiration page. The app provides some questions to check if the
- As an unregistered user, I can view the required blood type.
- As an unregistered user, I can search for specific blood type/city/place.
- As an unregistered user, I would like to share requests on social media.
- As a registered user, I want to have my own profile and to be able to edit it.
- As a registered user, I want to be able to make account and login.
React.js Express ESlint React Route Babel Parcel Crypto Bcrypt JWT en2 MongoDB Heroku Cookie React cookie
1. Clone the repo:
$ git clone
2. Install dependencies
$ npm i
3. Install dependencies in the client folder
$ cd client
$ npm i
4. Add initial environment Variables
Create a config.env file in the root directory.
Add your 'mongodb' url to the env.
DB_URL = mongodb://[username:password@][host]:[port]/[databasename]
Add a 'secret' for password encryption.
Add a 'key' for password encryption.
secretOrKey = "[YOUR SECRET]"
5. Run the app
$ npm run start
Tables Details
stationName, bloodType, status, street: Single line text | mapSrc: Link to Map Location | contact, openHours: Number line text
username: Single line text| password: Multiple select | phoneNumber: Number line text | config: { bloodType: Single line text | validAge, healthStatus, recentSurgery, getNotification: Boolean}
title: Single line text | description: Long text