- consul-auth-service: OAuth2 Authentification, registered to Consul
- consul-common: commonly used components by all other projects.
- consul-gateway: load-balanced configurations for svca and svcb, rate-limiter and etc.
- consul-service-a: demonstrated how to use feign client and ribbon client with Oauth2 supported to call B project.
- consul-service-b:
- Spring boot 2.0.4
- Consul Server 1.4.4
- Hystrix & Dashboard
- Spring Cloud Sleuth/zipkin
- Ribbon
- Turbine
- Feign
- Spring Cloud OAuth2
[root@hadoopnode3 ~]# consul members -http-addr=
Node Address Status Type Build Protocol DC Segment
node104 alive server 1.4.4 2 dc1 <all>
node19 alive server 1.4.4 2 dc1 <all>
node9 alive server 1.4.4 2 dc1 <all>
node8 alive client 1.4.4 2 dc1 <default>