View a demo of Eon Lightbox at
Place the eon.css stylesheet in your html's head
<link rel="stylesheet" href="path_to_stylesheets/eon.css">
Place the eon.js script at the end of your html's body and before any custom script that might call it
<script src="path_to_js/eon.js"></script>
Your thumbnails should be nested in an element with data-eon-container attribute. The thumbnail images themselves should have the following attributes:
- data-eon-lightbox-action="open" - open this in the lightbox
- data-eon-title="Image title" - what the title is for this image
- data-eon-thumbnail="_path_to_thumbnail.jpg" - what the thumbnail image path is
- data-eon-image="_path_to_image_for_lightbox.jpg" - what the high-res image path is to display in the lightbox
<ul id="custom-id-name" data-eon-container="custom-container-name">
<a href="#"><img src="_path_to_thumbnail.jpg" data-eon-lightbox-action="open" data-eon-title="Image title" data-eon-thumbnail="_path_to_thumbnail.jpg" data-eon-image="_path_to_image_for_lightbox.jpg">
Add the follow html for the lightbox modal:
<div id="eon-lightbox" class="eon-lightbox">
<div class="eon-lightbox-dialog">
<a class="eon-lightbox-left">
<img class="eon-lightbox-image-prev" data-eon-lightbox-action="prev" />
<div class="eon-lightbox-body">
<a class="eon-lightbox-close" data-eon-lightbox-action="close">×</a>
<img class="eon-lightbox-image" data-eon-lightbox-action="next" />
<div class="eon-lightbox-title"></div>
<a class="eon-lightbox-right">
<img class="eon-lightbox-image-next" data-eon-lightbox-action="next" />
Initialize Eon by calling Eon.init and passing a lightBoxId in the options. The lightBoxId refers to the lightbox html element's id.
lightBoxId: '#eon-lightbox'