RTCMultiConnection is a WebRTC JavaScript library for peer-to-peer applications (screen sharing, audio/video conferencing, file sharing, media streaming etc.)
faizanrefai / tizen-history
Forked from kumadasu/tizen-historyHistory of Tizen
faizanrefai / Animated-Paths
Forked from ole/Animated-PathsDemo project: Animating the drawing of a CGPath with CAShapeLayer.strokeEnd
Source code for an UICollectionView-based example project.
faizanrefai / core-plot
Forked from djw/core-plotUnofficial core-plot mirror
faizanrefai / iphone-plist
Forked from soffes/iphone-plistiPhone plist tutorial
iOS: An animated view for displaying "analog flipping numbers".
iOS: This is a draggable view, which works within a scrollview (Dragging within and especially out of the scrollview)
faizanrefai / NMRangeSlider
Forked from muZZkat/NMRangeSliderA custom range slider for iOS
faizanrefai / UIKitForGame
Forked from shu223/UIKitForGameUIKit subclasses and categories with useful animation functions for game.
jQuery Mobile Framework
faizanrefai / iphone-app
Forked from oschina/iphone-appOSCHINA 的 iPhone 客户端源码,可直接在 App Store上搜索“开源中国”来安装此app
faizanrefai / OpenRA
Forked from OpenRA/OpenRAAn open-source implementation of the Red Alert engine using .NET/mono and OpenGL. Runs on Windows, Linux and OSX. Grab the latest at Bugs at
faizanrefai / OCCalendar
Forked from ocrickard/OCCalendarCoreGraphics date-range picking calendar
3d page switching(ibooks shelves flip)
faizanrefai /
Forked from battle-for-wesnoth/battle-for-wesnoth.github.comunofficial development resource about "Battle for Wesnoth" game
Photo Importer App for iOS Simulator
faizanrefai / Filtrr
Forked from OmidH/FiltrriOS Image filter library
faizanrefai / HEBubbleView
Forked from beat843796/HEBubbleViewiOS UI Component for displaying bubble similar to the Mail app wenn selecting contacts
faizanrefai / Genie
Forked from rmd6502/GenieAn attempt to reproduce the genie animation on the iPhone
faizanrefai / SVGeocoder
Forked from TransitApp/SVGeocoderA simple geocoder (reverse + forward) for your iOS app.
faizanrefai / AppSales-Mobile
Forked from omz/AppSales-MobileApp Sales allows iPhone and Mac App Store developers to download and analyze their daily and weekly sales reports from iTunes Connect.
Customizable PageControl for iOS
faizanrefai / US2FormValidator
Forked from ustwo/US2FormValidatorForm validation framework for iOS.
faizanrefai / MGTileMenu
Forked from mattgemmell/MGTileMenuTile-based contextual menu for iPad and iPhone developers.
faizanrefai / AFNetworking
Forked from AFNetworking/AFNetworkingA delightful iOS and OS X networking framework