- 👋 Hi, I’m @falcon027
Deploy me to the moon let me play with all the PaaS Let me see what Node is like on Heroku and FaaS. In other words, hold my code. In other words, Server, kiss me -- Steve Jobs
Deploy me to the moon let me play with all the PaaS Let me see what Node is like on Heroku and FaaS. In other words, hold my code. In other words, Server, kiss me -- Steve Jobs
Forked from AdityaPai2398/CamScanner-In-Python
Build your own document scanner with OpenCV Python
Forked from victronenergy/vrm-api-python-client
Python library to talk against the vrm api on https://vrmapi.victronenergy.com/
Forked from calabash/calabash-ios-server
An embedded HTTP server for performing queries and test automation
Forked from beefe/react-native-actionsheet
An elegant ActionSheet component for React Native.
Forked from nilmtk/nilmtk
Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring Toolkit (nilmtk)