⚠️ work-in-progress⚠️
Browser-based FSM tool for Relink.
- Supports opening/saving msgpack files.
- Supports opening/saving to JSON format (custom format)
The custom JSON format is the same as the original msgpack to JSON conversion, except the top-level object is converted to an array of { key, value } objects. This helps to preserve the duplicate keys that are present in the original msgpack file.
When opening/saving the msgpack file, the top-level keys are translated between the array of key-value pairs and msgpack map format w/ duplicate keynames automatically.
- Update parentGuids when connecting nodes
- When manually editing parentGuids, check to see if it is valid when saving. Then, re-update the connections.
- Be able to add nodes
- Create Transition edges when connecting FSM Nodes
- Install pnpm
pnpm install
pnpm run dev