if(!require(raster)){install.packages('raster'); library(raster)} else {library(raster)}
if(!require(rgdal)){install.packages('rgdal'); library(rgdal)} else {library(rgdal)}
if(!require(gdalUtils)){install.packages('gdalUtils'); library(gdalUtils)} else {library(gdalUtils)}
convierte = function(dir){
lista= list.files(dir, full.names = T,pattern = "jp2")# Lista los nombres del directorio
jp2=as.list(lista)# Convierte en una lista
tif=lapply( jp2,FUN = batch_gdal_translate, dir, outsuffix = ".tif")}
lee_tiff = function(dir){
listar= list.files(dir, full.names = T,pattern = "tif")# Lista los nombres del directorio
lista=as.list(listar)# Convierte en una lista
- Bulleted
- List
- Numbered
- List
Bold and Italic and Code
Link and
For more details see [GitHub Flavored Markdown](https://guides.github.com/features/mastering-markdown/).
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