This is a Docker container [fanat98/docker-phpfpm]
Package Name |
imagemagick |
graphicsmagick |
zip |
unzip |
wget |
curl |
git |
mariadb-client |
moreutils |
dnsutils |
ffmpeg |
gd |
pdo_mysql |
mysqli |
mbstring |
intl |
yaml |
opcache |
redis |
APCu |
Cron |
Exif |
The following custom setting were made
key | value |
upload_max_filesize | 384M |
post_max_size | 384M |
max_execution_time | 1800 |
max_input_time | 1800 |
memory_limit | 1024 |
expose_php | =Off |
max_input_vars | 5000 |
realpath_cache_size | 128k |
short_open_tag | Off |
display_errors | Off |
log_errors | On |
error_log | /data/log/phpfpm/php_errors.log |
pm | dynamic |
pm.max_children | 50 |
pm.start_servers | 4 |
pm.min_spare_servers | 2 |
pm.max_spare_servers | 6 |
pm.max_requests | 500 |
You can create dumps (containing htdocs folder, share folder and database dump) with the dump
command. There are no credentials necessary to run this command. Optionally you can pass a password. Otherwise one will be generated automatically.
- Create dump
docker exec <DOCKER-CONTAINER-NAME> dump
- Create dump with custom password
docker exec <DOCKER-CONTAINER-NAME> dump iWantToUseThisPasswordInsteadOfAGeneratedOne