- 🔭 I’m currently working on a server-wide AI system 🧠
- 🌱 I’m currently learning anything related to AI 🤖
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on web and game frameworks 🎮
- 💬 Ask me about react, next.js, react native
- 📫 How to reach me: [email protected]
- ⚡ Fun fact: I am a basketball player 🏀
- Description: Level up your chats! 🧠 ChatGPT Messenger 2.0: AI-powered conversations, real-time magic, and a UI as smooth as silk. Next-gen chat awaits!
- Technologies: React, TailwindCSS, OpenAI, Firebase
- Description: Unleash surreal AI art - DALL·E 3 x Next.js 13. Code meets canvas, paint with prompts! Secure, immersive, your visions, AI-born. Let's create! ✨
- Technologies: React, TailwindCSS, OpenAI, Microsoft Azure
- Description: Unleash your inner trainer! Search all Pokémon, tap for stats, filter like a pro. Build your dream team with this sleek Pokédex app. Catch 'em all! ⚡️
- Technologies: React, TailwindCSS
- Gemini API Developer Competition
- Winner of Jugend Forscht in Computer Science
- Qoranthon