A bot written in (at this time) C# only for World of Warcraft WotLK (3.3.5a 12340) (the best WoW :P). This project will be developed like "Kraut und Rüben" (Herb and beet?) as we say here in Germany, its a synonym for messy, so deal with it 😎.
❤️ Libaries used: Blackmagic (Memory Editing) - https://github.com/acidburn974/Blackmagic
❤️ Framework used: UIKit (Web Interface) - https://github.com/uikit/uikit
Although i don't recommend to run this thing in this stage, you can do it!
🕹️ How to use the Bot: Compile it, Start it, profit i guess?
🖥️ How to use the Server: Start the "AmeisenServer.exe", it will open a sketchy HTTP-Api at port 16200...
🌵 How to enable AutoLogin: Place the "WoW-LoginAutomator.exe" in the same folder as the bot, thats all...
💩 Web Interface: To use this piece of turd, junk, trash, don't know how to call this thing, Open the "index.html" thats hidden deep in the shittiest corner of this project... 💡 Pro Tip: look for a file called: "groessterMuellEUWest.javashit"
🔪 How to make a CombatClass: Template *.cs file:
using AmeisenBotData;
using AmeisenBotLogger;
using AmeisenBotUtilities;
using AmeisenCombatEngine.Interfaces;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace AmeisenBotCombat
public class CombatClass : IAmeisenCombatClass
public AmeisenDataHolder AmeisenDataHolder { get; set; }
private Me Me
get { return AmeisenDataHolder.Me; }
set { AmeisenDataHolder.Me = value; }
private Unit Target
get { return AmeisenDataHolder.Target; }
set { AmeisenDataHolder.Target = value; }
public void Init()
AmeisenLogger.Instance.Log(LogLevel.DEBUG, "CombatClass: In combat now", this);
public void Exit()
AmeisenLogger.Instance.Log(LogLevel.DEBUG, "CombatClass: Out of combat now", this);
public void HandleAttacking()
if (Me != null)
if (Target != null)
Unit unitToAttack = Target;
// Get a target
if (Me.TargetGuid == 0)
unitToAttack = CombatUtils.AssistParty(Me, AmeisenDataHolder.ActiveWoWObjects);
if (unitToAttack != null)
// Start autoattack
if (!Me.InCombat)
private void DoAttackRoutine()
List<string> targetAuras = CombatUtils.GetAuras(LuaUnit.target);
// Restore Mana
if (Me.EnergyPercentage < 30 && Me.HealthPercentage > 50)
CombatUtils.CastSpellByName("Life Tap", true);
if(targetAuras != null)
// DoT's to apply
if (!targetAuras.Contains("Curse of Agony"))
CombatUtils.CastSpellByName("Curse of Agony", false);
if (!targetAuras.Contains("Corruption"))
CombatUtils.CastSpellByName("Corruption", false);
if (!targetAuras.Contains("Unstable Affliction"))
CombatUtils.CastSpellByName("Unstable Affliction", false);
if (!targetAuras.Contains("Haunt"))
CombatUtils.CastSpellByName("Haunt", false);
if(targetAuras != null) {
// Active-Damage Spell
if (Target.HealthPercentage < 25)
CombatUtils.CastSpellByName("Drain Soul", false);
CombatUtils.CastSpellByName("Shadow Bolt", false);
public void HandleBuffs()
List<string> myAuras = CombatUtils.GetAuras(LuaUnit.player);
if (!myAuras.Contains("Demon Armor"))
CombatUtils.CastSpellByName("Demon Armor", true);
if (!myAuras.Contains("Blood Pact"))
CombatUtils.CastSpellByName("Summon Imp", true);
public void HandleHealing()
public void HandleTanking()
AmeisenBot.Combat: CombatClass utilities & template
AmeisenBot.Core: Collection of some static object-reading/casting/lua functions
AmeisenBot.Data: "DataHolder" to hold things like our playerobject, our target object & active WoWObjects
AmeisenBot.DB: Database connection manager, from this thing the map is beeing read/saved
AmeisenBot.FSM: StateMachine of the Bot executing all actions
AmeisenBot.GUI: WPF GUI
AmeisenBot.Logger: Basic logging class
AmeisenBot.Manager: Create a new Bot instance here and manage it
AmeisenBot.Mapping: Mapping related stuff like loading/saving nodes
AmeisenBot.Server: This thing is planned to be a server for the bots to communicate to each other.
AmeisenBot.Test: Maybe some tests will appear in this module in the near future
AmeisenBot.Utilities: Memory offsets, data structs and a few math related funtions
AmeisenPathLib: Pathfinding using A*
WoWLoginAutomator: Auto-Login into WoW 3.3.5a