- Amsterdam
- https://medium.com/@farolfo
list-comprehensions-in-java Public
(college project, see jComprehension for the lib) Build sets in mathematical set-builder notation with Java, like { x * 2 | x E {1,2,3,4} ^ x is even }
luther Public
Donate Bitcoin Now
jComprehension Public
Build lists in mathematical set-builder notation with Java, like { x * 2 | x E {1,2,3,4} ^ x is even }
districts Public
Forked from decentraland/districtsProposals for Community Districts for the Terraform event
UpdatedSep 29, 2017 -
zeppelin-website Public
Forked from OpenZeppelin/openzeppelin.orghttps://openzeppelin.org/
CSS UpdatedJun 26, 2017 -
musical-development Public
My musical development showed with d3 - InfoViz course first project (ITBA - 2017)
HTML UpdatedMay 5, 2017 -
raml-server Public
run a mocked server JUST based on a RAML API's definition .. zero coding
mulesoft-docs Public
Forked from karanmalhi/mulesoft-docsMain MuleSoft documentation repository
HTML UpdatedOct 16, 2015 -
api-doc Public
Forked from dirble/api-docBeautiful static documentation for your API
JavaScript Other UpdatedOct 5, 2015 -
how-it-went-viral Public
Uber, facebook, google, and even jazz players like Miles Davis went viral... find out how!
UpdatedJul 14, 2015 -
piano-js Public
Program a piano track with javascript and play it on the browser
takeport Public
```$ takeport 3000``` occupies the port 3000, use it for testing!
JIRA-Scheduler Public
Schedule your Jira tasks for this sprint in Haskell!
my-angular-seed Public
My personal angular seed, all installed, no need to delete anything but start developing
scrolling-metrics Public
track scrolling metrics of your web app
streamium Public
Forked from streamium/streamiumDecentralized trustless video streaming using bitcoin payment channels.
CSS MIT License UpdatedMay 25, 2015 -
search-based-angular-seed Public
Seed project for angular apps with a search based (Google like) UI
hitchhike-GPS Public
Find out the hottest places to hitchike on the road!
JavaScript UpdatedFeb 23, 2015 -
github-recruiter Public
Recruiting tool that searches for the persons that got involved with some particular GitHub™ repos of yours
hackathons-api Public
A public API that provides upcomming hackathons based on data from Twitter, Facebook, Eventbrite, etc.
MIT License UpdatedOct 14, 2014