Telegram bot that manage accounts and more
pip install -r .\requirements.txt
- fill in your information such as
- use /cmd to register commands for the ui button
Start the bot and get a welcome message.
/help or /h
Display all available commands and their usage.
/find [query] -> Specify a search query
Search for credentials based on a query and display them in Username Password format.
/findraw [query] -> Specify a search query
Search for credentials based on a query and display them in raw format.
/update or /up
Combine or update all text files in the current directory.
/downloadall or /dla
Download all credentials as a file.
/download or /dl [query] -> Specify a search query
Download all found credentials for a query as a file.
/downloadfile or /dlf [file_name] -> Specify a file name
Download a specific file from the server.
List all files in the current directory.
Update the commands boutton (UI).