Download and install the latest version from:
- Node.js LTS (installs 'node' and 'npm')
Clone the BIP38 repository to a nice place on your machine via:
git clone
cd brute_force38
sudo chmod 775 *
sudo chmod 775 -R *
sudo chown $USER:$USER *
sudo chown $USER:$USER -R *
Fire up your console at the project location and execute:
cd brute_force38
npm install npm@latest -g
npm install
Go to:
cd brute_force38/node_modules/bip38/index.js (edit index.js)
Make a comment of line 128 to suppress the errors
// assert.deepEqual(salt, checksum)
cd ~/brute_force38/
npm install
./start.js or sudo node start.js
- You should now see a list of passwords in the terminal.
- Brute_force38 will now utilize all CPUs to test each password against your BIP38 private key.
- Invalid passwords are saved in invalid_secrets.json and will be imported next try.
- If the correct password has been found by brute_force38 the program will terminate the search.
- The correct password will be saved in valid_secret.json.
- Edit the config.json and paste the
values of your BIP38 encoded key. - Edit the secrets.js so that it will return an array of all secrets you want to test on your BIP38 encoded key.
brute_force38 is released under the MIT license.