Shin is a very immature Clojure subset that compiles to JavaScript thanks to Ruby and V8.
It's heavily inspired by:
Before we get into details, here's how you can get shin up and running to play around with it.
- Make sure you have a recent Ruby (2.1 is recommended) & rubygems
- Clone
in a directory - Make another directory alongside it, say
- Create
and populate it with:
source ""
gem "shin", :path => "../shin"
- Run
bundle install
- You can now run
bundle exec shin
to run shin.
Ultimately, there'll be releases of shin and installing will be as easy
as gem install shin
but since, so far, things are moving quite quickly,
it's just easier to have people playing with master.
Eval one-liners:
$ bundle exec shin -e "(println (reduce + (map #(* % 2) (take 10 (range)))))"
(Note: the return value is ignored, so use print
/ println
to get your
results back.)
Compile a project with libraries
$ bundle exec shin -o public/js -L app/js -I app -I vendor/reagent-shin/src app/my-cool-app/app.cljs
Will output all needed .js files in public/js
is the search path for .cljs files, -L
is the search path for .js files.
Tested in the browser with Require.js.
ClojureScript is great, but, for the time being, the tooling is a bit heavy-handed, slow at times, and definitely tied to the JVM.
Why write Shin in Ruby? Ruby, while problematic in many regards and anything but "small", is a language most of the Memoways team is comfortable with. It has a rich library ecosystem that allows one to tackle most problems quickly.
Plus, MRI start-up times are much smaller than usual JVM start-up times. (At this time, no attempt has been made to run Shin under Rubinius, JRuby, or any other Ruby implementation.)
Shin generates relatively naive JavaScript code. At the time of this writing, no attempt is made a optimizing anything. Rather, the compiler is designed to generate correct and readable code, quickly.
- drives the whole thingparser.rb
- text toShin::AST
- recognizesns
form, populatesrequires
and generate anonynmous ns name if lack of ns form.macro_expander.rb
- expands macrostranslator.rb
- translatesShin::AST
, which is Mozilla Parser API in disguise.generator.rb
- generates actual JavaScript from the JST, via escodegen.
Tried out treetop but not a good tool for proper error reporting, as S-exps are basically one big tree, and PEG grammars would just see that as one big invalid input - we want to acknowledge that, up to that point deep into the tree, everything was fine, and then something went wrong.
Actual parser inspired by sxp-ruby, some I/O routines lifted from there (see UNLICENSE - it's public domain).
Use case: sniff patterns like (defn name [args] body)
in the code,
mostly used by translator.
Types: :sym
, :kw
, :num
, :str
, :map
, :list
, :vec
, :set
verbatim identifiers, verbatim strings, verbatim numbers, sequences
without content (matches any) or with inner patterns.
Regexp-like operators:
- 0 or 1*
- 0 or more (greedy)+
- 1 or more (greedy)
When *
or +
used, matcher block will receive an Array of nodes.
When ?
used, may receive null if doesn't match.
For examples, see spec/infra/matcher_spec.rb
Basically walks the AST and produces a JST. For now, some forms that could
be implemented as macros are recognized by the translator, for example defn
For example, literals are transformed to calls to vector
, list
, hash-map
, keyword
, etc. Function definitions are transformed into JavaScript
functions, auto-returning the last value.
, let
, and do
forms emit relatively naive but efficient code where possible.
For if
, when the value is thrown away (statement
mode), JavaScript's
will be used. Otherwise, the ternary operator (cond ? iftrue : iffalse
will be used.
establishes a new scope, and renames bound symbols inside
of it, uses of which are then resolved to aliases, much like Traceur does
with ES6's let
can be compiled either to a simple block, or to a closure, if the result
is used as an expression (it doesn't make a closure if it's just in return position,
in that case, return propagation is used).
s are local variable declarations + stored into the module's exports
object (see Modules
Usage of the @
operator are translated to deref
calls. Usage of ~
are translated to --unquote
calls (used internally for macro expansion).
Some checks are only done at translation time - for example, the number of keys in a map literal, or in a let bindings vector.
As a rule, the translator generates pretty errors, like the following:
$ be shin -o public/js -L src/js -I src src/my/app.cljs
Invalid let form: odd number of binding forms at src/my/app.cljs:15:6 (RuntimeError)
(let [initial-tree (render) a]
The output of the translator is what the compiler calls JST
, which is just
really mozilla parser API stored in Ruby data structures.
Uses escodegen for convenience, to generate JavaScript from the JST.
Why use escodegen?
- Proven codebase
- Standard JavaScript AST format (Mozilla Parser API)
- Plays well with JavaScript source-maps (even tho not using that yet)
(So, yes, it calls into V8 to generate JS code.)
See generator.rb
, it's pretty trivial. jst.rb
is a thin layer of
Ruby structures above the Moz Parser API.
The only thing we can't represent is RegExp literals, see RegExp section.
Not much to say about the generator - most of the work is done in the translator anyway.
Could replace escodegen with a pure Ruby solution for performance at some point, maybe use sourcemap.rb or a more up-to-date fork thereof?
cljs chose Google Closure, shin consumes & generates AMD modules.
For those, who don't know, AMD modules look like:
(function (root, factory) {
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
define(['exports', 'foo', 'bar'], factory);
} else {
throw "No AMD loader in sight.";
})(root, function (exports, foo, bar) {
// Execution reaches here whenever `foo` and `bar` are
// loaded, or we have circular dependencies. Be careful.
exports.dostuff = function() {
return new foo.SomeType(bar.somefunction());
// Anything stuffed in `exports` will be available
// to others. In fact, that's how foo and bar exposes
// stuff to us in the first place!
To run specs & expand macros, shin compiler has an AMD loader built-in,
half-ruby half-JS. See js_context.rb
Every .clj(s)
file read by Shin must start with a single namespace
definition, here's an example:
(ns org.example.somemodule
(:require [some.lib :as sl :refer :all])
[another.lib :refer [foo bar baz]]
[js/react :as R])
Use the js/
prefix to specify that you're requiring a JS module, not
a Shin module. The compiler will look into libpath and attempt to copy
it to the output directory, and warn if it can't find it. It'll also be
listed as a dependency in the AMD module definition.
Shin's output should be usable with RequireJS in a browser. But if you want to try and see if it works with Almond, that's cool too!
As for directory structure, any package
can either be a folder
or a dot in the pathname, so if you require org.example.somelib.a
it will look for:
I'm 83% sure that's not what cljs does, but it seemed relatively sane - go full folder if you want to, or keep your structure as flat as you want, doesn't matter to shin.
There's half-baked support for generating NodeJS-style require
but it hasn't been tested whatsoever.
Shin ships with some pure JS files:
And of course, cljs/core.cljs
and cljs/core.clj
(for macros),
which are required (with :refer :all) into all modules by default.
is not implemented yet, so no exclusion is possible.
See Issue #20)
At this point, a sizable portion of cljs.core
has been ported over, but
an even more sizable portion remains untouched. Hopefully the balance will
tip eventually, but with 611 vars in clojure.core
at the time of this
writing, my money's on Rich.
The full clojure.string
package has been adapted from ClojureScript and
is covered by specs.
RSpec 3.x, ran on travis-ci.
Two types of specs:
For now, mostly testing the S-exp pattern matching system.
Custom matcher, ast_match
(see spec/matchers.rb
), basic structure
is expect(sexp_source).to ast_match(sexp_pattern)
Custom matcher have_output
(see spec/matchers.rb
), basic structure
is expect(code).to have_output(output)
. Shin code calls out to print
all calls joined by a space character.
RSpec.describe "Language", "if" do
it "doesn't evaluate if-false, when false" do
(if true () (print "Don't print me!"))
}).to have_output("")
With macros:
RSpec.describe "Language", "macros" do
it "separates compile-time & run-time correctly" do
:source => %Q{ (let [a (foobar)] (print (typeof a))) }
:macros => %Q{ (defmacro foobar [] `(print "That'll be at runtime, thanks")) }
).to have_output("function")
Yes, it'd be cleaner if one didn't have to write print
in every spec, but you'd
be surprised what you can't test with such rudimentary infrastructure.
Since Clojure is very liberal in what identifiers are, and JavaScript isn't, Shin mangles identifiers.
For example, contains?
is mangled to contains$q
. $
itself is escaped as
. As most of Shin, it's so naive it's cute, but hey, it works really well.
See mangler.rb
to see the most current translation table. If you ever modify
that, keep shin.js
in sync.
Basic idea: macros are executable code, so let's compile & execute them.
That's macro_expander.rb
's job.
The following description is out of date since the fast-macros branch
When macro expansion is required:
- Compile macro def to JS, as if it was a function
- Compile dummy module that does
(yield (pr-str (macro-invocation)))
will serialize our code to textual S-expr representationyield
will give it back to the Ruby side (compiler)- We then parse it back so we have a
repr of the result - Then we replace the invocation by its expansion
- Tadaa.
That means we actually invoke V8 during compilation, if macros are involved.
Also, the order in which stuff is done is still kind of shady, especially
considering cljs.core
is required (with :refer :all
) everywhere by
default. If macros break don't hit me!
manual calling is supported, however the compiler believes in big
numbers and will not attempt to check that they, in fact, do not collide with
each other (so far).
Automatic gensym
is in, which means you can write stuff like that:
(defmacro nonsense [a b c]
`(let [d# (str ~a ~b)]
(print d# ~c d#)))
And it'll be transformed (at parse time) to something like that:
(defmacro nonsense [a b c]
(let [d2121 (gensym "d")]
`(let [~d2121 (str ~a ~b)]
(print ~d2121 ~c ~d2121))))
Full Clojure destructuring is supported, with vectors and maps, in let forms, function definitions and macro definitions, nested as deep as you want.
It's one of the reason Clojure is so cool, read about it:
Using hamt+ by Matt Bierner. Doesn't use mori because, c'mon, where's the fun in that?
Everything is immutable, persistent. Manipulation is slower than native JS structures, but comparing should be faster. Watch what Szymon says if you don't know about Clojure-style persistent data structures.
Straight up hamt+ tries, wrapped in a callable object (see shin.js
the trick) so it behaves like a Clojure map.
Takes advantages of hamt+'s mutate
so that huge literals are faster
to construct than assoc
'ing one by one. Could use the same trick to make
a fast JSON loader, for instance.
Not even a real type, right now just a PersistentArrayMap
with values set
to true
. Needs a whole lot of love.
Straight up naive, basically a PersistentArrayMap with integer keys, but hamt+ doesn't guarantee key ordering and probably does sub-optimal hashing, so we should come up with something better, probably a fork of hamt+ based on ancient-oak's work on arrays/vectors.
Similar to ClojureScript
Similar to ClojureScript
None yet, see Issue #2.
Callable (to allow (:mykey map)
or ('mysym map)
, usable in calls
to name
, e.g. (= "foobar" (name :foobar))
is true, same goes for
Mostly ClojureScript-equivalent with re-find
, re-matches
and re-matcher
Weird API but whatevs, clj gonna be clj.
RegExp literal, #"[A-Z]IAMA a RegExp AMA"
, translates to RegExp constructor
call rather than JS RegExp because that's the only part of the Mozilla Parser
API that does not serialize to JSON. 💩
, add-watch
, remove-watch
and the deref operator @
work pretty much
as advertised. Implementation is deceptively simple though, don't way you weren't
We've got:
- if
- let
- fn
- do
- quote
- def, defn, defmacro
- closures, e.g.
- loop/recur
There is no try (yet).
Primitives from ClojureScript, e.g.
(let [o (Thing. "foo")] ; 'o' is now bound to a new Thing instance
(.setName o "fido") ; create a new 'MyObject' with arguments a, b, c
(prn "Dog name: " (.-name o)) ; access field 'name' from fido
Also: aget
, aset
, clj->js
, and js->clj
Lifts JS literals from ki, e.g.
(let [o {$ "a" 1 "b" 2} ; o is {a: 1, b: 2} in JS
a [$ 1 2 3]]) ; a is [1, 2, 3] in JS
Internal data structures are JS OO, but deftype
, defprotocol
, satisfies?
, etc. aren't implemented yet.
@webbedspace has an interesting idea for records, thanks to @jcoglan for yelling about stuff.
Run shin -h
and it'll tell you all about it. Subject to changes.
Very subject to changes, haven't found the right mix of convenient interface, flexible pipeline, concise code yet. Time will tell.
But basically, use compiler.rb
or roll your own pipeline by running
Parser, NsParser, MacroExpander, Translator, Generator, and outputting yourself.
Thanks to Luca Antiga for the inspiration and for ki, and to Nicolas Goy, Meine Goy, Fabrice Truillot de Chambrier, Ulrich Fischer, Dimiter Petrov, Jens Nockert, Romain Ruetschi, Arnaud Bénard, for all the support.
And of course, to the whole ClojureScript team for leading the way with this whole "Clojure to JavaScript" thing!
Shin is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE.txt
for the complete text.
Hamt+ is also MIT-licensed, see its own repo: hamt+.
Significant parts of standard library is adapted / copied from ClojureScript, which is distributed under the Eclipse Public License 1.0. Here's it's copyright license, just in case:
Copyright (c) Rich Hickey. All rights reserved. The use and
distribution terms for this software are covered by the Eclipse
Public License 1.0 (
which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this
distribution. By using this software in any fashion, you are
agreeing to be bound by the terms of this license. You must
not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.