Apacheap automatically installs the following packages on your linux system. It allows you to develop more than one project at the same time by dividing your web projects into virtual hosts in localhost. With the help of PHP-FPM, you can continue to develop your different projects in different versions with more than one php version at the same time.
Packages Used
Linux | Version(s) | Result |
Ubuntu | 20.04, 22.04 | Success |
Debian | - | - |
Centos | - | - |
bash -c "$(wget -O- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fatihgvn/apachep/main/install/install-ubuntu.sh)"
General Usage
sudo apachep [method] [args...]
Create a new virtual host.
Runs create-conf and create-ssl respectively
Argument | detail | default |
domain | Domain address to be created | |
phpversion | Php version of virtual host | php -v to find out the default value |
Use PHP 7.4
sudo apachep add-host test.local 7.4
Use default PHP
sudo apachep add-host test.local
Use default PHP
sudo apachep add-host test.local default
Create configuration file for domain
Argument | detail | default |
domain | Domain address to be created | |
phpversion | Php version of virtual host | php -v to find out the default value |
Use PHP 7.4
sudo apachep create-conf test.local 7.4
Use default PHP
sudo apachep create-conf test.local
Use default PHP
sudo apachep create-conf test.local default
Create SSL for domain
Argument | detail | default |
domain | Domain address to be created | |
password | Password for SSL | dummypassword |
Use own password
sudo apachep create-ssl test.local mypassword
Use default password
sudo apachep create-ssl test.local
Install new php fpm version
Argument | detail | default |
phpversion | PHP version to install |
sudo apachep install-php 7.4
Remove an existing host
Argument | detail | default |
domain | Domain address to be removed | |
with-conf | Will the config file be removed as well? | false or true default is true |
Remove host with configurations
sudo apachep remove-host test.local
Remove host with configurations
sudo apachep remove-host test.local true
Remove host without configurations
sudo apachep remove-host test.local false
Remove an existing host configuration files
Argument | detail | default |
domain | Domain address to be removed |
sudo apachep remove-conf test.local