This page contains R codes and data related to the article :
Repurposing of the multiciliation gene regulatory network in fate specification of Cajal-Retzius neurons
Matthieu X Moreau, Yoann Saillour, Vicente Elorriaga, Benoît Bouloudi, Elodie Delberghe, Tanya Deutsch Guerrero, Amaia Ochandorena-Saa, Laura Maeso-Alonso, Margarita M Marques, Maria C Marin, Nathalie Spassky, Alessandra Pierani & Frédéric Causeret
Developmental Cell 2023 Aug 7; 58(15):1365-1382.e6.
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- Raw count matrix are deposited in GEO (Accession number GSE220237)
- Barcodes, coordinates and metadata of QC-filtered cells can be retreived here
Cell quality control (using Seurat v2)
Conversion to Seurat v4, normalization and broad clustering
Progenitors diversity
Cell cycle analysis
Cell cycle variable genes
Cajal-Retzius trajectory
Choroid plexus trajectory
QC Gmnc KO
WT annotation
WT/KO integration
CR trajectory in Gmnc KO
Comparison of CR trajectories between WT and KO
Comparison of ChP trajectories between WT and KO