BiNums - see binary numbers
Dwayne Robinson
Displays a number in various formats as binary/hex or vice versa.
binums 3.14159
binums -13
binums showbinary -13
binums showhex -13
binums 0x4240
binums 0b1101
binums float16 3.14
binums float16 raw 0x4240
binums uint32 mul 3 2 add 3 2 subtract 3 2 dot 1 2 3 4
binums float32 0x2.4p0
showbinary showhex - display raw bits as binary or hex (default)
showhexfloat showdecfloat - display float as hex or decimal (default)
raw num - treat input as raw bit data or as number (default)
add subtract multiply divide dot - apply operation to following numbers
float16 bfloat16 float32 float64 - set floating point data type
uint8 uint16 uint32 uint64 int8 int16 int32 int64 - set integer data type
fixed12_12 fixed16_16 fixed8_24 - set fixed precision data type
Display pi:
BiNums.exe 3.14159
To binary:
uint8 3 -> 0x03
uint16 3 -> 0x0003
uint32 3 -> 0x00000003
uint64 3 -> 0x0000000000000003
int8 3 -> 0x03
int16 3 -> 0x0003
int32 3 -> 0x00000003
int64 3 -> 0x0000000000000003
float16 3.140625 -> 0x4248
bfloat16 3.140625 -> 0x4049
float32 3.1415863037109375 -> 0x40490FC0
float64 3.1415863037109375 -> 0x400921F800000000
fixed12_12 3.141357421875 -> 0x003243
fixed16_16 3.1415863037109375 -> 0x0003243F
fixed8_24 3.1415863037109375 -> 0x03243F00
From binary:
uint8 3 <- 0x03
uint16 3 <- 0x0003
uint32 3 <- 0x00000003
uint64 3 <- 0x0000000000000003
int8 3 <- 0x03
int16 3 <- 0x0003
int32 3 <- 0x00000003
int64 3 <- 0x0000000000000003
float16 1.78813934326171875e-07 <- 0x0003
bfloat16 2.75506488473973634680173e-40 <- 0x0003
float32 4.20389539297445121277119e-45 <- 0x00000003
float64 1.48219693752373963252971e-323 <- 0x0000000000000003
fixed12_12 0.000732421875 <- 0x000003
fixed16_16 4.57763671875e-05 <- 0x00000003
fixed8_24 1.78813934326171875e-07 <- 0x00000003
Value 1:
BiNums.exe 1
To binary:
uint8 1 -> 0x01
uint16 1 -> 0x0001
uint32 1 -> 0x00000001
uint64 1 -> 0x0000000000000001
int8 1 -> 0x01
int16 1 -> 0x0001
int32 1 -> 0x00000001
int64 1 -> 0x0000000000000001
float16 1 -> 0x3C00
bfloat16 1 -> 0x3F80
float32 1 -> 0x3F800000
float64 1 -> 0x3FF0000000000000
fixed12_12 1 -> 0x001000
fixed16_16 1 -> 0x00010000
fixed8_24 1 -> 0x01000000
From binary:
uint8 1 <- 0x01
uint16 1 <- 0x0001
uint32 1 <- 0x00000001
uint64 1 <- 0x0000000000000001
int8 1 <- 0x01
int16 1 <- 0x0001
int32 1 <- 0x00000001
int64 1 <- 0x0000000000000001
float16 5.96046e-08 <- 0x0001
bfloat16 9.18355e-41 <- 0x0001
float32 1.4013e-45 <- 0x00000001
float64 4.94066e-324 <- 0x0000000000000001
fixed12_12 0.000244140625 <- 0x000001
fixed16_16 1.52587890625e-05 <- 0x00000001
fixed8_24 5.9604644775390625e-08 <- 0x00000001
Display multiple values in a specific format:
BiNums.exe float64 1 3.14159 1234
float64 1 (0x3FF0000000000000)
float64 3.14159 (0x400921F9F01B866E)
float64 1234 (0x4093480000000000)
Show as binary rather than hex:
BiNums.exe float64 showbinary 1 3.14159 1234
float64 1 (0011111111110000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)
float64 3.14159 (0100000000001001001000011111100111110000000110111000011001101110)
float64 1234 (0100000010010011010010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)
Add values:
BiNums.exe float64 add 1 3.14159 1234
float64 1 (0x3FF0000000000000)
float64 3.14159 (0x400921F9F01B866E)
float64 1234 (0x4093480000000000)
Result of add:
float64 1238.14 (0x40935890FCF80DC3)